Part VIII Schemes

Where a project is being progressed by the Local Authority, planning permission is applied for under Part VIII of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2013.

This procedure requires that notice of the proposed development be given in the public press and that a site notice be erected.

If any submissions or observations are received, a report is presented to the members of the Council. This report contains a list of the objector’s names along with a summary of the points made by them and the Local Authority’s response.

Arising from consideration of the representations, the report sets out whether or not it is proposed to proceed as originally planned, or to proceed with a modified proposal.

Comments and observations on ‘Proposed Developments by a Local Authority’ can only be received in writing, and between certain dates. The public notices should be referred to in this regard to ascertain the final date of receipt for your observations.

The above is a summary of the Part 8 requirement for consultation. It is intended for guidance only. The Planning Acts set out the requirements in full.






Notice of Proposed Developments by Laois County Council

In accordance with Part XI, Section 179A of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Part VIII, Article 80 & 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) Laois County Council hereby gives notice of its intention to carry out the following developments:

Location Nature of Development
Townland of Portlaoise, Details of development:

The development will consist of the construction of a new residential development at no. 13 Lakeglen and the reconstruction of a dwelling at no. 14 Lakeglen. of a total of 2 dwelling units at the 13 and 14 Lakeglen, Portlaoise, Co. Laois.  Details of house types: (no. 13, 140sqm) 5 bed, 2 storey and (no. 14, 94.7sqm) 3 bed, 2 storey, giving a total of 240.7sqm sqm. The development also includes foul and surface water drainage works, and all associated site works and boundary treatments.

Townland of Portarlington, Details of development:

The development will consist of the construction of 2 new residential apartments units at Barrowvilla, French Church Street, Portarlington, Co. Laois.  Details of house types: (Apartment no. 1, 65sqm) 2 bed, duplex unit and (Apartment no. 2, 45sqm) 1 bed, 2 duplex unit, giving a total of 110sqm sqm. The development also includes foul and surface water drainage works, and all associated site works and boundary treatments.


Townland of


Details of development:

The proposed development at 102 Main Street, Portlaoise, Co. Laois will consist of the demolition of the existing, derelict, three storey ‘County Hotel’ building (approx. 857 m²), the construction of a new, three storey, 864 m² apartment building, comprising of 10 residential units and a communal/enterprise space at ground level, the construction of additional pedestrian access point to the site, varied boundary treatments and landscaping works and all ancillary site works.  Details of house types:  TYPE A, 1 bed apartment (8 no.) and TYPE B, 2 bed apartment (2 no.).

The proposed development is within the Portlaoise architectural conservation area.

Townland of


Details of development:

The development will consist of the construction of a residential development of 17 dwelling units on 0.57 hectares in the Moanbaun Estate, Mountrath, Co. Laois and  will be accessed from the R430 regional road. The site is bounded to the North, West and South by residential land and to the East by agricultural land.

Details of house types:

(4 no.) TYPE HT-A, 2 bed, 2 storey,

(9 no) TYPE HT-B, 3 bed, 2 storey,

(4 no.) and TYPE HT-C, 3 bed, 2 storey, giving a total floor area of 1,742 sqm.

The development also includes foul and surface water drainage works, surface water attenuation tank, footpaths, car parking, landscaped open space including passive and active area and all associated site works and boundary treatments.

Townland of Portlaoise Details of development:

The construction of 67 no. housing units consisting of

·        4 no. two storey 4 bed units,

·        31 no. two storey 3 bed units,

·        11 no. two storey 2 bed units,

·        4 no. 3 bed duplex units,

·        13 no. first floor 2 bed apartments and

·        4 no. ground floor 1 bed apartments

on a site of 2.25ha at Tyrrells Land, situated along Stradbally Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois.

The development will also include the provision of public open space, public walk-way along east boundary, flood defence infrastructure, public lighting, upgraded vehicular access along the Stradbally Road, 116 no. car parking spaces including both in-curtilage and on street parking, (includes required accessible parking space and EV charging spaces), cycle parking, boundary treatments, ESB Substation, laying of underground sewers, watermains and pipes, attenuation, the importation of soil and stone as by product for engineering and landscaping purposes within the development and all associated ancillary works including site development works, and hard and soft landscaping.

In accordance with Article 81A(5) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) Laois County Council, as the competent authority, has carried out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening and has determined that there is no likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed developments and that an EIA is not required in respect of the proposed developments.

In accordance with Article 81A(6) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) Laois County Council, as the competent authority, has carried out Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening in respect of the proposed developments to assess, in view of best scientific knowledge, if the development, individually or in combination with other plans or projects, would be likely to have a significant effect on a European site in view of its conservation objectives. Accordingly, Laois County Council has determined that the proposed developments would not be likely to have a significant effect on a European site and that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment is not required in respect of the proposed developments.

Plans and particulars of the above proposed developments are available for viewing below from 16th July 2024 to 13th August 2024 inclusive.  Plans and particulars and the screening reports are also available for inspection at the offices of Laois County Council, Áras an Chontae, JFL Avenue, Portlaoise from 16th July 2024 to 13th August 2024 inclusive.

A person may question the validity of any decision of the planning authority by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts ( S.I. No. 15 of 1986 ), in accordance with sections 50 and 50A of the Act.

Angela McEvoy



13 and 14 Lakeglen, Portlaoise, Co. Laois

Lakeglen – 22-116-01_P-30-01_Section 1-50 [A3]

Lakeglen – 22-116-01_P-20-01_Elevations 1-100 [A3]

Lakeglen – 22-116-01_P-10-04_Existing Plans 1-100 [A3]

Lakeglen – 22-116-01_P-10-03_Demolition Plan 1-75 [A3]

Lakeglen – 22-116-01_P-10-02_First Floor Plan 1-75 [A3]

Lakeglen – 22-116-01_P-10-01_Ground Floor Plan 1-75 [A3]

Lakeglen – 22-116-01_P-00-03_Site Layout Plan 1-150 [A3]

Lakeglen – 22-116-01_P-00-02_Site Location Map 1-1000 [A4]

Lakeglen – 22-116-01_P-00-01_Site Location Map 1-10560 [A4]

Lakeglen – Memo to Housing Section re Screening for Part 8 Housing Scheme at Lake Glen Portlaoise June 2024

Barrowvilla, French Church Street, Portarlington, Co. Laois

Barrowvilla – site layout proposed

Barrowvilla – site layout existing_planning

Barrowvilla – sections proposed_ planning

Barrowvilla – sections existing_ planning

Barrowvilla – plans proposed_ planning

Barrowvilla – plans existing_ planning

Barrowvilla – Memo to Housing Section re Screening for Part 8 Housing Scheme at French Church Street Portarlington June 2024

Barrowvilla – elevations proposed_ planning

Barrowvilla – elevations existing_ planning

County Hotel, 102 Main Street, Portlaoise, Co. Laois



County Hotel – External Lighting

County Hotel – EcIA D4 – 102 Main Street Portlaoise – 200413 – 2024.05.20_compressed

County Hotel – Cover Letter

County Hotel – CEMP for Proposed Development at 102 Main Street, Portlaoise, Co. Laois

County Hotel – AASR D5 – 102 Main Street Portlaoise – 200413 – 2024.05.20

County Hotel – 200301-03-300 – Proposed Bin Store & Charging Room – Plans, Section A-A & Elevations

County Hotel – 200301-03-203 – Proposed Apartment Block Elevations

County Hotel – 200301-03-202 – Proposed Apartment Block Sections

County Hotel – 200301-03-201 – Proposed Apartment Block – Third Floor & Roof Plan

County Hotel – 200301-03-200 – Proposed Apartment Block – Ground, First & Second Floor Plan

County Hotel – 200301-03-104 – Proposed Landscape Plan

County Hotel – 200301-03-103 – Proposed Site Layout Plan

County Hotel – 200301-03-102 – Existing Building – Street Elevation & Section A-A

County Hotel – 200301-03-101 – Site Survey – Existing Building’s Floor Plans

County Hotel – 200301-03-100 – Site Location Map

County Hotel – 10911-TR01_P01

County Hotel – 10911-2040_P01

County Hotel – 10911-2010_P01

County Hotel – 10911-2003_P01

County Hotel – 10911-2001_P01

County Hotel – 10911-2000_P01

County Hotel – 102 Mn St Portlaoise cond rpt.

Moanbaun Estate, Mountrath, Co. Laois

Moanbaun – Screening Report

Moanbaun – Road Safety Audit

Moanbaun – IE2773_Report_5868 Rev-3.0-ISSUE (1)

Moanbaun – Appropriate Assessment 270523

Moanbaun – Appendix 3 – Mechanical and Electrical

Moanbaun – Appendix 2 – Civil & Structural

Moanbaun – Appendix 1-Architectural Drawings

Moanbaun – 2301.A.001 Proposed Site Plan (Additional Parking Option) (003)

Tyrrells Land, situated along Stradbally Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois

Tyrrells Land- Portlaoise FRA

Tyrrells Land – Mechanical & Electrical

Tyrrells Land – EIA Screening Report

Tyrrells Land – Civil & Structural

Tyrrells Land – Architectural Drawings

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