Roads FAQ

  1. Can we please have a list of the contact details for the relevant Area Office for each area?
  2. What is the procedure to close a laneway or extinguish a public right of way?
  3. When is an Abnormal Load Permit required?
  4. How long does it take to process an application for an Abnormal Load Permit?
  5. How much does an abnormal load cost?
  6. Where do I report a public lighting fault?
  7. How do I apply for a road opening licence?
  8. How do I apply for a ‘Taking in Charge’ letter?
  9. How do I report tree roots breaking up the footpath?
  10. I want to complain that drivers are breaking the speed limit on my road/area.
  11. Why was I not informed about a road closure?
  12. Why do I need a Road Opening Licence?
  13. How do I apply for a Hackney/Limousine Licence?
  14. There is an overhanging tree obstructing the footpath/roadway – can you cut it?
  15. When can I cut my hedges?
  16. Is the Local Authority responsible if I damage my vehicle on a public road?

1) Can I have a list of the contact details for the relevant Area Office for each area?

  • Central Area Office, Ph: 057 866
  • Western Area Office, Ph: 057 –
  • Eastern Area Office, Ph: 057 – 8625227
  • Portarlington Area Office, Ph: 057 – 8645139 Fridays Only
  • Graiguecullen Office, Ph: 059 – 9165960 Wednesday & Thursdays

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2) What is the procedure to close a laneway or extinguish a public right of way?

An application to extinguish a public right of way should be made in writing to the Administrative Officer, Roads Department. A petition signed by individual residents concerned, indicating support for the proposal and their reason to extinguish the public right of way should also be submitted.

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3) When is an Abnormal Load Permit required?

A permit is required when the load being transported is in excess of the guidelines outlined in the Road Traffic (Construction and Use of Vehicles) Regulation 2003.

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4) How long does it take to process an application for an Abnormal Load Permit?

An application form for an Abnormal Load Permit should be received at least 4 days prior to the date of the proposed journey, to allow for proper assessment of the application.

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5) How much does an abnormal load cost?

Single Permit – €60.00. Monthly Permit – €100.00. Annual Permit – €500.00

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6) Where do I report a public lighting fault?

A fault in a public light can be reported to the relevant

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7) How do I apply for a road opening licence?

Road opening licences are dealt with in the relevant area office.

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8) How do I apply for a ‘Taking in Charge’ letter?

A letter requesting if roads and services are in charge should be submitted to the Roads Department along with a site location map. The cost involved is €100.00.

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9) How do I report tree roots breaking up the footpath?

Details should be forwarded to the relevant area office

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10) I want to complain that drivers are breaking the speed limit on my road/area.

The enforcement of speed limits is a matter for an Garda Siochana. You should report any breach of the speed limit in your area to your local Garda Station.

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11) Why was I not informed about a road closure?

A notice of intention to close a road and a notice of decision are advertised in a local paper circulating in the area in question.

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12) Why do I need a Road Opening Licence?

Before any work is carried out on a public road or footpath the applicant must obtain permission from the Roads Department.

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13) How do I apply for a Hackney/Limousine Licence?

Laois Co. Co. has ceased issuing licences for Hackneys/Limousines since 1st May this year. New licence/renewal application forms are available from the National Car Testing Service (NCTS), contactable at 1890 927 977.

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14) There is an overhanging tree obstructing the footpath/roadway – can you cut it?

No. Details will be forwarded to the relevant Area Office and they will ascertain if a tree is hanging over from a public address or private area. If private, a notice will be served on the owner requesting them to cut back the tree.

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15) When can I cut my hedges?

It is an offence to cut, grub, burn or otherwise destroy any vegetation during the period beginning on the 1st day of March and ending on the 31st day of August in any year. From 1st day of September to the 28th day of February is acceptable.

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16) Is the Local Authority responsible if I damage my vehicle on a public road?

Under the Civil Liability Act, 1961 a local authority is not liable for injury to the user or damage to property resulting from failure to repair a road.

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