Local Economic & Community Plan


Laois Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) 2023-2028

The purpose of the Local Economic and Community Plan, as provided for in the Local Government Act 2001 (as amended), is to set out, for a six-year period, the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of County Laois, both by itself directly and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders. In short, the LECP is a statutory plan which was prepared to promote the economic and community development of County Laois for the period 2023-2028.

 The LECP was prepared by Laois County Council and the Local Community Development Committee (Laois LCDC) in consultation with other agencies, organisations, groups, and individuals.

The LECP provides a guide to the development of Laois up to 2028 and one of its main objectives is to ensure effective co-ordination of publicly funded programmes.

Laois LCDC is responsible for implementing the community elements of the plan and the Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) for Enterprise, Economic Development and Tourism is responsible for implementing the economic elements of the plan.


The Laois LECP aligns with and supports the Council’s Corporate Plan whose mission statement is that “The Council will lead the sustainable economic, social, cultural and community development of our County and deliver quality public services to the community we serve.”

The Laois LECP is separated into two distinct elements:

  • The LECP Framework Document consisting of the ten High Level Goals, objectives, and the desired outcomes for the entire LECP period.
  • The Implementation Plan consisting of the actions and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assist in achieving the overall goals, objectives, and outcomes.


Part 1: Laois LECP Framework Document 2023-2028

Laois Local Economic & Community Plan Framework Document 2023-2028

The Laois LECP Framework Document was adopted by the Laois Local Community Development Committee (Laois LCCD) and Laois County Council in March 2024 following an extensive preparation, consultation, and development process being formally launched in the picturesque surroundings of Emo Court on the 22nd  of May 2024

The LECP is a multi-agency plan, with a vision for Laois as it moves towards 2030 along with ten High Level Goals and thirty four sustainable objectives and associated high level outcomes. Some High Level Goals focus on economic development with others focusing on community development, climate action or health and well-being. Some goals are cross cutting, meaning that they have a dual focus both on economic and community development.

Appendix 1: LECP Review Report 2016-2021  

Appendix 2: Socio Economic Profile of Laois

Appendix 3: Socio Economic Statement

Appendix 4: High Level Goals Rationale

Appendix 5: Consultation Report

Appendix 6: Appropriate Assessment (AA), Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Report  

Appendix 7: Alignment of LECP with Local & Regional Policy

Appendix 8: Membership of Relevant Structures


Part 2: Laois LECP Implementation Plan 2023-2028

An Implementation Plan separate to this framework document will be developed to identify specific actions to assist in achieving the high level goals, objectives, and outcomes. Once developed, the initial Implementation Plan will last for two years and will be closely monitored and evaluated before being reviewed and revised in 2026. This flexible approach to the implementation of the LECP will allow Laois County Council and its partners to ensure the actions remain relevant and responsive to changing contexts, opportunities, and challenges.

The Community and Economic sections of Laois County Council will consult regularly with action owners for consultation and feedback. Twice yearly progress reports on the Implementation Plan will be sent to the Economic SPC and LCDC.


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