History and Description of site
The People’s Park, Portarlington officially opened in 2000. It is a 3 hectare open space situated between the Link Road and the River Barrow. The frontage along the Link Road comprises of a car park which has a dual purpose in providing for park users as well as shoppers. The park is designed predominantly for passive recreation with pathways, trees and grass. Seating is provided throughout. New additional features include a 9 Hole Disc Golf course, tree trail and orienteering course. The People’s Park is linked with the adjoining Portarlington Leisure Centre; with all-weather soccer pitches and a mini basketball court making this an active recreation facility which caters for diverse activities, age groups and abilities. The Portarlington Community Centre is also adjacent to the Leisure Centre with provides further sporting facilities and community activities.
The playground installed in 2005, is nestled in the centre of the park with a fenced off playground for younger kids adjacent to this area. The playground is constructed to a high standard and is used and appreciated by the community on a continuous basis. A line of trees between the car park and the Link Road are well placed and protected which makes a significant impact on the landscape. The boundary to the People’s Park is provided by a low laurel hedge and a low wall. Pedestrian pathways meander throughout the Park. Situated further into the park is the tomb effigy of Robert Heartpole and is considered by the locals as a main feature within the park. Other features include the Stone for the 1916-2016 Commemoration, a sun dial and the Reclining Bather (a sculpture by Dick Joynt.) Different species of trees are planted throughout with a beautiful specimen of an older tree situated near the all-weather pitch.
A major feature of the People’s Park is the access to the River Barrow which facilitates access along the river bank by way of a walkway.
Click here to locate the People’s Park
Portarlington Park Map site is available for download here
The People’s Park, Portarlington offers the following range of attractions
- Dedicated play facilities for children
- Ecological features
- River walk Section and fully accessible pathways
- All-weather pitches
- Mini Basketball area
- Musical Play Area
The Green Flag Award for Parks is a benchmark national standard for parks and green spaces. It was established in the United Kingdom in 1996 to recognise and reward the best green spaces in the country. Today it is a worldwide programme. In 2014 it was piloted in Dublin and six parks were awarded Green Flags. The Green Flag award was received in July 2019.
News & Events
Junior Urban Outdoor Adventure programme
The Sport & Leisure section are running a Junior Urban Outdoor Adventure programme this September for after school clubs.
Contact the Sport & Leisure Office at sports@laoiscoco.ie or call 0578664058 for more information.
Active Parks programme
Free exercise programme in the park delivered by staff of Portarlington Leisure Centre funded by Healthy Ireland
Contact the Sport & Leisure Office at sports@laoiscoco.ie or call 0578664058 for more information.
Portarlington Leisure Centre Summer Camps
Contact Portarlington Leisure Centre on 0578645800 or visit Portarlington Leisure Centre website here
Additional Facilities Planned for 2019/20
- Disc Golf 9 hole course
- Orienteering course
- Tree Trail Bilingual
- Outdoor Classroom
Partnership Organisations/External Relationships
An Taisce http://www.antaisce.org/
The Heritage Council https://www.heritagecouncil.ie/
Tree Council https://www.heritagecouncil.ie/
Laois Offaly Branch Irish Wildlife https://iwt.ie/
Garden and Landscape Designers Association http://glda.ie/
An Garda Síochána https://www.garda.ie/en/
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) https://www.rospa.com/
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) https://www.iosh.co.uk/
Green Flag Award http://www.greenflagaward.org.uk/
National Biodiversity Data Centre http://www.biodiversityireland.ie/
Irish Water https://www.water.ie/