Short Term Letting


This applies to a person who is engaging in short term letting to which article 6(5)(a)(i) of the Regulations apply. This applies to the letting of a room or rooms (maximum 4 rooms) in a house/ apartment that is a principal private residence. It is a one off notification which is provided for under article 6(5)(b) of the Regulations.

Form 15 – If the use is already existing, the form should be returned within 4 weeks of the commencement of the legislation on 1 July 2019. If the use commences after this date, this form should be returned 2 weeks prior to the proposed change of use in that year.

(Short term letting)

This apply to a person who is engaging in short term letting to which article 6(5)(a)(ii) of the Regulations apply. This applies to the letting of an entire principal private residence on a short term basis.



Are you letting your property in full or part of?

Are you letting a house for short term periods?

Have you submitted the necessary forms to the Planning Authority?

Do you know someone who this may relate to….


See Details here: Regulation of Short Term Letting


Form 15 (2019) – If the use is already existing, the form should be returned within 4 weeks of the commencement of the legislation on 1 July 2019. If the use commences after this date, this form should be returned 2 weeks prior to the proposed change of use in that year.

Form 15 (2020 onwards) – Annual Notification. This form should be returned no later than 4 weeks of the start of each year for existing uses or 2 weeks prior to the first instance of the proposed change of use for new uses.

Form 16- This form is only required to be completed if the 90-day cap is reached during the year. It should be returned no later than 2 weeks after the event.

Form 17- End of year notification. It shall be returned no later than 4 weeks after the end of each calendar year.


What information will be made public from the notifications?

The planning authorities will maintain a record of the information received, however this will not be made public.

What will the cost of notification be?

It is not proposed that there will be any charge associated with a person notifying the planning authority that they are availing of the short term letting planning exemption.

Short Term Letting Form 15- Start of year notification

Short Term Letting Form No 17- End of year notification

Short Term Letting Form No 16- 90 day Cap reached

Rent pressure zone map

Details of new New provisions on Department website in relation to short term letting


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