All parts of our heritage, built natural and cultural are vulnerable to our changing climate. As the climate changes, we may see more drought, more flooding and more extreme weather events, all of which will take their toll on our fragile archaeology, architectural heritage, biodiversity and habitats. While the scale of the challenge we face may sometimes seem overwhelming, there is also an opportunity with heritage projects to engage people with climate mitigation and adaptation in a way that helps communities to feel empowered.
The projects and events listed here, and more to come in the future, will explore this relationship between climate, heritage and communities.
The Heritage Officer is a member of the Laois County Council Climate Action Team, and details of the work of that team in the wider climate action area are here.
Climate Change and Heritage Webinar Series
A series of webinars on aspects of heritage and climate change was held in January and February 2022. Full details and recordings here.
Abbeyleix Climate Action Project
A project undertaken in partnership with Abbeyleix Tidy Towns supported by Creative Ireland in 2020-21 explored different ways of engaging local communities with all aspects of climate change.
Full details here.
Story map of the Climate action walk available here.
Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation Plans
Built and Archaeological Heritage