Bio Waste

Landfill changes from 1st July 2010 (Bio Waste)

From the 1st July 2010 all domestic customers of the Kyletalesha Landfill Facility must separate their food waste/bio-waste before using the facility. Food waste/Bio-waste cannot be land-filled from the 1st July 2010. This change is necessary in order for Laois County Council to comply with a revised EPA Landfill License which takes effect from the 1st of July, 2010. Spot checks will be carried out by landfill staff on domestic customers using the facility. A lower charge will apply for accepting food waste (bio-waste) and further details on this will be advertised before the 1st July, 2010.


Bye Laws for the source separation of bio-waste (Food and Garden Waste) will be implemented from 1st July 2010 in the 6 towns listed above.  A “Brown Bin” service for the collection of Bio-waste will be provided by all authorised waste collectors providing a waste collection service in the towns listed. All householders in the towns concerned must either use a brown bin provided by an authorised waste collector, home compost or use the services provided at the landfill facility. Spot checks will be carried out by Waste Enforcement Officers in order to ensure compliance.Further information can be obtained from the Environment Section at 057 86 74322

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