Cruinniu na nÓg 2021


For 2021 Laois Arts Office on behalf of the Culture & Creativity team launch the Cruinniú na nÓg Art Competition  –  Laois Series: A Sense of Place and invite  children and young people up to 18 (living in Laois) to create a piece of art inspired by their ‘sense of place’.  The artwork can be in any visual art medium such as, drawing, painting, lego, sculpture, print, collage, digital photography, mixed media, graffiti, etc.  The age categories for submissions are under 6, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14 & 15-18.  One winner from each age category will be selected.  Their artworks will be professionally photographed and exhibited at Dunamaise Arts Centre.  The five artworks selected will also become part of a series of postcards reflecting the many facets of Laois and our ‘sense of place’ and will be available to the public for free.  The Competition is open for submissions until Wed 23rd June.  For all entry details go to




Cruinniú na nÓg is a national day of creativity for children and young people under the age of 18 which celebrates and encourages participation in culture and creativity through ‘doing’, ‘making’, and ‘creating’ from visual and performing arts to workshops and adventures in heritage, libraries, culture, science, technology or climate action.  Events are free, local and activity-based.


Opportunity to deliver online workshops for Cruinniú na nÓg

Laois County Council Arts Office and Creative Ireland Laois wish to programme a series of workshops for Cruinniú na nÓg on June 12 that will inspire children & young people to make work based on the theme of ‘ A Sense of Place’.  Artists are required to be skilled and equipped in working online and facilitating online workshops, as well as pre-recorded video skills.

Download brief here

Submission of your Expression of Interest: Monday, May 10 to

For all information, please contact Laois Arts Office on 057 8664033/13 or

Consultation with Children and Young People in Co. Laois

Cruinniú na nÓg   on Saturday June 12, 2021 is a national day of creativity for children and young people (0-18) which celebrates and encourages participation in culture and creativity through ‘doing’, ‘making’, and ‘creating’ from visual and performing arts to workshops and adventures in heritage, culture, science, technology or climate action. Events are free, local and activity-based.

Tell us what you’d like to do, make and create!

Tag @creativelaois for FB & Twitter and/or @creativeirelandlaois for Instagram, and ALWAYS use the hashtag: #CruinniúLaois2021
Use the chatbot at

Deadline for submission of preferences: Tuesday, April 6, 2021.



Cruinniú na nÓg 2021 Open Call Grant Scheme

Laois County Council is inviting applications from individuals/organisations for innovative activities of all shapes and sizes for children and young people that fosters creativity and engages diverse participation from visual and performing arts to workshops and adventures in heritage, culture, science, technology or climate action.

Events should be focused on children and young people with children and young people themselves consulted and included in creating the event. We particularly welcome applications that gives access to groups of children who haven’t had such opportunities before.

Grants are available up to a maximum of €2000. Grants will typically be in the region of €500 to €2000. While there is no fixed number of awards, there will generally be a larger number of lesser value awards and a small number of higher value ones.

For guidelines and application form, click here
Closing date for proposals: Tuesday, April 6, 2021.
The application form and all supporting material must be completed and submitted by email
For all enquiries, contact Laois Arts Office on 057 8664033/13 or email

Covid-19 Restriction Levels

In preparing your application, you should base it on the best public-health advice and guidance available at the time you are making your application. Given this, you should ensure that what you are proposing is feasible or adaptable should social distancing and/or other public-health measures impact on all or part of the application.

In many instances, projects will be designed specifically to mitigate that isolation felt by young people missing the strong social connections with their peers, and communities that were already experiencing isolation because of a variety of physical, social, cultural, economic or geographic reasons, that have become more acute because of Covid-19.


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