CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) is a targeted investment programme for rural areas that aims to provide funding for small infrastructural projects in rural areas that have experienced significant levels of de-population. The funding works in conjunction with local/Agency and other Departmental funding programmes and on the basis of locally identified priorities.
CLÁR Programme for 2022
The 2022 CLÁR programme will be delivered through three separate Measures as follows:
Measure 1: Developing Community Facilities & Amenities
Measure 2: Mobility, Cancer Care and Community First Responders Transport
Measure 3: ‘Our Islands’
Measure 1 Developing Community Facilities and Amenities
Up to 90% funding available
Types of Intervention eligible (this is not an exhaustive list):
Multi-Use Gaming Areas (MUGAs)/Astro-Turf Facilities, Skateboard Parks, Playgrounds, Handball Alleys, Tennis Courts, Basketball Courts, Community Gyms, Community Cinemas, Sensory Gardens, Community Gardens, Outdoor Bowling Areas, Walking/Running Tracks, Outdoor Toilet Facilities, Car Parking, Public Lighting, Small scale works to community facilities, Enhanced access to unique heritage sites
Grant Range €5,000 up to €50,000
Please contact Ann Marie Maher, Sport & Leisure Officer, Laois County Council to discuss potential projects for submission to this scheme as early as possible:
Phone: 057 8664058 or 087 6184404
Completed Expression of Interest Applications for Measure 1 must be submitted directly to Laois County Council by email in a word version only, to
Closing date for receipt of applications to Laois County Council is 5.00 p.m. on Monday 11th April 2022.
Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
Expression of Interest Application forms for Measure 1:
Expression of Interest Measure 1 CLÁR Funding 2022
Measure 2 Mobility, Cancer Care and Community First Responders
This scheme will cover costs of a vehicle and/or the fit out of a vehicle where necessary. The Department encourages the purchase of hybrid/electric vehicles where possible.
Between 80% and 90% funding available
Completed applications for Measures 2 should be emailed directly to the Department of Rural & Community Development at by Friday 8th April 2022.
Application forms for Measure 2:
Measure 3 ‘Our Islands’
Island Community Transport – community bus/vehicle with an electric charging point which is powered by solar PV panels. ii) Outdoor Community Recreation Amenities – benches, picnic tables/areas, toilets.
Between 80% and 90% funding available
Completed applications for Measures 3 should be emailed directly to the Department of Rural & Community Development at by Friday 6th May 2022.
Application forms for Measure 3: