Till Something Moves panel discussion event on Saturday 12th March


 As part of the 10th anniversary celebration at the Laois Arthouse, a panel discussion entitled Till Something Moves…will take place on Saturday 12th March, 2pm – 5pm.  This event will explore how to create the optimum conditions for sustaining creative work as visual artists and writers, and what role do Studio Spaces and Residencies play in creating space and opportunity for focus?  A number of the exhibiting 64 artists will be in attendance. Prior booking will be essential artsoff@laoiscoco.ie,  more info Exhibitions


In Trust. In Gratitude. In Hope. 10 Years at the Laois Arthouse, is an exhibition featuring the work of over 60 artists who have been part of the Laois Arthouse programme since its establishment in 2011 by Laois County Council Arts Service.  This anniversary exhibition is a unique opportunity for the artists and Laois County Council to celebrate the achievement of 10 years of exhibition making, artist hosting and creative place making with the surrounding community of Stradbally, County Laois and beyond.

The exhibition curated by Clonaslee native Monica Flynn was formally opened by Kevin Kavanagh of Kevin Kavanagh Gallery Dublin on 4th December, 2021 and is open to all members of the public, including groups and schools until Friday 27th May, 2022.  The exhibition is accompanied by a publication available to purchase at Laois Arthouse or Arts Office Laois County Council.




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