Third Order extending the planning time periods during the Covid-19 emergency

Circulars PL 02/2020 of 29 March 2020 and PL 03/2020 of 17 April notified planning authorities
of the making of Orders by the Government under section 251A(4) of the Planning and
Development Act 2000, as amended, to the effect that the period of 29 March 2020 to 9 May
2020, inclusive, could be dis-applied in the calculation of any appropriate period, specified
period or other timeline in the Act or other related planning legislation. The two Orders already
signed thereby had the effect of extending the duration of all relevant periods and timelines
specified in planning legislation by a period of 42 days/ 6 weeks.

Arising from the further Government decision to extend the Covid-19 related restrictive
measures until 18 May 2020, the Government has now made a further Order under section
251A(4) of the Planning Act extending the duration of all relevant periods and timelines specified
in planning legislation by an additional 14 days, up to and including 23 May 2020. The three
Orders thereby have the combined effect of extending the relevant planning periods and
timelines by an aggregate of 56 days/ 8 weeks. A copy of the Government Order will be available
on the Department’s website early next week.

An updated FAQ document for the information of planning staff on the impacts and implications
of the extended time periods on various aspects of the planning system further to the making
of the new Order has been uploaded on the Department’s website. Any queries in relation to
this Circular Letter can be emailed to

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