
Community Check in Cards

Registered members of the Public Participation Network will be delivering ‘Check-In’ cards to older and vulnerable persons in our communities, living alone or more isolated during this pandemic.  This neighbourly non-contact check in invites people to stay connected and reach out if they need support.  Contact the PPN at 057 […]

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170px Laoiscocologo e1466690480492

Gardening For Biodiversity

The Local Authority Heritage Officer Network has launched a campaign to get people connected with nature, as part of the Government’s “Keep Well” Campaign. A free booklet “Gardening for Biodiversity” has been produced and is available from the Laois Heritage Officer. Get your free copy by emailing heritage@laoiscoco.ie and also […]

Community Check in Cards

Registered members of the Public Participation Network will be delivering ‘Check-In’ cards to older and vulnerable persons in our communities, living alone or more isolated during this pandemic.  This neighbourly non-contact check in invites people to stay connected and reach out if they need support.  Contact the PPN at 057 […]

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170px Laoiscocologo e1466690480492

Community Check in Cards

The HSE are finding that those that older and vulnerable members of the community that have been cocooning are finding it difficult to start to socialise again.  Your community group could help  by delivering ‘Check-In’ cards to older and vulnerable persons in your communities and inviting them to participate in […]

Gardening for Biodiversity

The Local Authority Heritage Officer Network has launched a campaign to get people connected with nature, as part of the Government’s “Keep Well” Campaign. A free booklet “Gardening for Biodiversity” has been produced and is available from the Laois Heritage Officer. Get your free copy by emailing heritage@laoiscoco.ie and also […]

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Grow it Forward

Grow it Forward

GIY, in partnership with Healthy Ireland and public libraries will distribute 50,000 free food growing kits as part of a new ‘Grow it Forward’ initiative. Recipients are asked to use the kits to share the experience with ten people, enabling half a million people across Ireland to enjoy the wide […]

Grow it Forward

GIY, in partnership with Healthy Ireland and public libraries will distribute 50,000 free food growing kits as part of a new ‘Grow it Forward’ initiative. Recipients are asked to use the kits to share the experience with ten people, enabling half a million people across Ireland to enjoy the wide […]

Grow it Forward

Episode 6 scaled

If the Bedroom Walls Had Ears

“Right now the world is very chaotic, yet now I think we’re more of a community than we ever have been” The words of 15 year old Lucy Grace in a piece she wrote especially for the last Episode of If the Bedroom walls had ears’ Lucy is one of […]

Grow it Forward

GIY, in partnership with Healthy Ireland and public libraries will distribute 50,000 free food growing kits as part of a new ‘Grow it Forward’ initiative. Recipients are asked to use the kits to share the experience with ten people, enabling half a million people across Ireland to enjoy the wide […]

Grow it Forward

If the walls had ears

If the Bedroom Wall had Ears

Episode 4 of If the Bedroom walls had ears Aoife Byrne   “I always stand up for myself because that’s what you have to do. It is hard, but I just do it to say that I’m able to do stuff myself” 20 year old Aoife Byrne from County Laois […]

Grow it Forward

GIY, in partnership with Healthy Ireland and public libraries will distribute 50,000 free food growing kits as part of a new ‘Grow it Forward’ initiative. Recipients are asked to use the kits to share the experience with ten people, enabling half a million people across Ireland to enjoy the wide […]

Grow it Forward

Grow it Forward

Grow it Forward

GIY, in partnership with Healthy Ireland and public libraries will distribute 50,000 free food growing kits as part of a new ‘Grow it Forward’ initiative. Recipients are asked to use the kits to share the experience with ten people, enabling half a million people across Ireland to enjoy the wide […]

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