RZLT 2024 Zoning Submission Deadline Reminder
You are advised that a person may on or before 31st May 2024, in respect of zoned land that a person owns, make a submission to the Local Authority requesting a variation of the zoning of that land.
Any such submission should include evidence of ownership, detailed reasons for any rezoning request, along with a map to a scale of 1:1,000 (urban) or 1:2,500 (rural) clearly identifying the relevant plot of land.
All rezoning requests made will be considered by the Local Authority having regard to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.
Such submissions shall be made by Post: Administrative Officer, Laois County Council, Arás an Chontae, James Fintan Lalor Ave., Portlaoise, Co. Laois.
by email: planning@laoiscoco.ie