Planning Meetings
For large developments it is recommended that planning applicants arrange a pre-planning meeting with engineers from the water services and road sections. A large number of applications fail simply because insufficient information is supplied to enable a decision to be made on its technical suitability. The purpose of the meeting to inform applicants of the various requirements and restrictions that may apply to a particular application and to ensure that applications are submitted with all the relevant details.
Contact the Water Services Section in County Hall to arrange a meeting
Building Standards & Guidelines:
Construction standards and recommendations which are relevant to new planning applications can be viewed at the the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government website.
Foul Sewer Pump Station Specification for up to 60 Units
The following specification is details the requirements for raw domestic sewerage pumping stations. This specification will apply to developments of less than 60 houses.
It must be noted that compliance with this specification does not guarantee approval of a proposed pumping station
Foul sewer pump station specification for up to 60 units
Foul Sewer Pump Stations Specification serving over 60 units
The following specification details the requirements for raw domestic sewerage pumping stations. This specification will apply to developments of greater than 60 houses.
It must be noted that compliance with this specification does not guarantee approval of a proposed pumping station.
Foul sewer pump station specification serving over 60 units