Notification of Temporary Traffic Management Arrangements on the R433 at Crooked Wood Cross, Boley, Abbeyleix

Laois County Council wishes to advise of Temporary Traffic Management at the following location:

R433 Crooked Wood Cross, Boley, Abbeyleix

From a point:  200 m South west of Crooked Wood Cross Roads. (52.897582, -7.410667)

To a point:       200 m North east of Crooked Wood Cross Roads. (52.899455, -7.405131)

ON and/or BETWEEN the following dates & times:

14/12/2023 08:00          and                  14/12/2023 18:00

For the purposes of:    Radar Speed Sign Installation Works

R433 Boley 2-Way TL 1

R433 Boley 2-Way TL 2                                                                                 

Any objections or observations shall be emailed to:

Email 1:                                       and copy the following:

Email 2: 

Email 3: 

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