

Fógra go mbeidh Bainistíocht Tráchta Sealadach ar an L2122 An Phailís Bheag, Portlaoise, Co. Laois

Ba mhaith le Comhairle Contae Laoise a fhógairt go mbeidh Bainistíocht Tráchta Sealadach ag ar siúl ar an suíomh seo...
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Notification of Temporary Traffic Management Arrangements on the L-2122 at Pallas Little, Portlaoise.

Laois County Council wishes to advise of Temporary Traffic Management at the following location: L-2122 Pallas Little, Portlaoise, Co. Laois...
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Electric Picnic 2024

EP Republic has applied for a LICENCE APPLICATION under the terms of Part XVI of the Planning and Development Act 2000...
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Fógra maidir le bóthar a dhúnadh go sealadach

Seo fógra ó Chomhairle Contae Laoise gur mian linn  an bóthar seo a leanas ag an láthair seo a leanas...
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Notification of Temporary Road Closure on the L-7792-0 at Cleanagh, Spink, Abbeyleix, Co. Laois

Laois County Council wishes to advise of the intention & decision to close the following road at the following location...
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Fógra go mbeidh Bainistíocht Tráchta Sealadach ar an R445 Grattan Street, Portlaoise, Co. Laois

Ba mhaith le Comhairle Contae Laoise a fhógairt go mbeidh Bainistíocht Tráchta Sealadach ag ar siúl ar an suíomh seo...
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Notification of Temporary Traffic Management Arrangements on the R445 at Grattan Street, Portlaoise.

Laois County Council wishes to advise of Temporary Traffic Management at the following location: R445 Grattan Street, Portlaoise, Co. Laois...
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Notice Regarding Accessibility of Polling Stations

Notice Regarding Accessibility of Polling Stations here
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Notification of Temporary Traffic Management Arrangements on L2115 Crooked Lane, Portlaoise, Co. Laois

Laois County Council wishes to advise of Temporary Traffic Management at the following location: L2115 Crooked Lane, Portlaoise, Co. Laois...
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Fógra maidir le bóthar a dhúnadh go sealadach

Seo fógra ó Chomhairle Contae Laoise gur mian linn  an bóthar seo a leanas ag an láthair seo a leanas...
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