National Bike Week and European Mobility Week 2021

Bike Week is an annual celebration and promotion of all that’s great about bikes and cycling. This year, Bike Week will kick off on Sunday September 12th and end on Saturday September 18th.

Funding has been provided by the Department of Transport to Laois County Council and other Local Authorities across the country to contribute towards a variety of events both on the ground and online throughout the week.

During Bike Week, new and lapsed cyclists will be encouraged to get on the bike and make cycling part of their lifestyle. People across the country will be able to join in events in their counties and consider cycling as a convenient way to travel on the commute, for shopping trips and leisure.

This year’s EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK theme is “Safe and Healthy with Sustainable Mobility”.

The choice of this year’s theme pays tribute to the hardships felt by Europe – and the world – throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It also reflects on the opportunities for change resulting from this unprecedented health crisis in Europe.

Cities and urban administrations have established creative, resilient responses to the pandemic. This year, EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 16 – 22nd of September celebrates the resilience of towns and cities and their achievements, while seeking to sustain this momentum. Trends that began last year, such as increased active mobility and the use of low- or zero-emission mobility, require further promotion. Laois County Council will support events in Portlaoise to encourage safe use of cycleways and encouraging cycling to and from work, school and for recreation.

Click here for full details of upcoming Bike Week  2021 Events in Laois. 

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