New video series on Gardening for Biodiversity launched

A new series of videos on Gardening for Biodiversity has been launched by Laois Heritage Office. Based on the popular book Gardening for Biodiversity published by Laois County Council earlier this year, the series aims to give practical tips and guidelines to anyone who is interested in helping wildlife in their garden.


Following the book’s very practical approach, the videos – available for free on Youtube – show how to help biodiversity by creating a pond, building a log pile, planting a wildflower meadow, looking after birds and planting native trees and hedgerows.


Speaking at the launch of the videos Cathaoirleach of Laois County Council Cllr Willie Aird said “It’s so fitting that we are launching these biodiversity guides here in the wonderful setting of People’s Park. The Park is like a garden for all the people of Portlaoise, and we are delighted that it is open again after the pandemic restrictions. I know that the ideas in this new book and the video guides will encourage people to take action to make their garden a haven for wildlife and I’d like to thank the Heritage Council and the Department of Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht for their help in getting them made”.

Author Juanita Browne said: “These videos are a wonderful online resource to help explain how anyone can help our wildlife. Thanks to Laois County Council for funding and making these freely available online and to John Lusby and Peter Cutler for making these beautiful videos. I think there is an exciting new interest among the public in helping our biodiversity and these videos make this process much more accessible.”


Catherine Casey, Heritage Officer with Laois County Council said “During lockdown we have all become much more conscious of the importance of the natural world. We know from the enormous response to the original book that many people are taking a great interest in the birds, bees and bugs that are visiting their gardens. We are in the middle of a Biodiversity Crisis, and exposure to nature is also good for our mental health, so there is so much benefit to gardening for biodiversity. We have had so many requests for copies of the book from schools and families, so our next project is to create a Children’s version of the book, with colouring pages and kid-friendly information on biodiversity. We hope to have that ready for Heritage Week in August”.


The new Gardening for Biodiversity films are available to view of the Laois Heritage Youtube channel


The Gardening for Biodiversity videos are available now on the Laois Heritage Youtube Channel at The book and films were supported by the Heritage Council and the Department for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht as part National Biodiversity Action Plan. The original book is available to download for free at, and hard copies can be ordered from Laois County Council Heritage Office.

Gardening For Biodiversity Cover

Access the book and videos now

Gardening for Biodiversity Book available at:

Gardening for Biodiversity Videos available at:



The Gardening for Biodiverity Book and Videos have been supported by the Heritage Council and the Department for ulture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, as part of the National Biodiversity Action Plan. The book was written by Juanita Browne and illustrated by Barry Reynolds. The films were made by Peter Cutler of Crow Crag Films, presented by Jon Lusby and Juanita Browne was Scientific Advisor. We are grateful to all involved for their wonderful support.


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