Extension – Notification of Temporary Traffic Management arrangements on R445 Road (Ballintogher/Killinure) Co. Laois

Laois County Council wishes to advise of Temporary Traffic Management at the following location:

R445 Ballintogher/Killinure Co. Laois

From a point:    53°07’38.2″N 7°05’39.0″W

ON and/or BETWEEN the following dates & times:

05/06/2024 08:00                      and                                14/06/2024 18:00

For the purposes of:       Ironworks, road stud installation and line marking Works

24_114-01_001_RS_ R445 Co. Laois                                                                                                   

Any objections or observations shall be emailed to:

Email 1:            tdrennan@laoiscoco.ie                                               and copy the following

Email 2:            jgriffin@laoiscoco.ie

Email 3:            philipmcveigh@laoiscoco.ie

Email 4:            KHASKETT@roadstone.ie

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