Be considerate of other people
- Park appropriately – avoid blocking gateways, forest entrances or narrow roads.
- Respect people you meet and keep noise to a minimum.
- Take care not to damage property, especially walls, fences and crops.
Respect farm animals and wildlife
- It is best not to bring a dog, but if you do, keep it under close control.
- Avoid disturbing wild animals and birds particularly at sensitive times: mating, nesting and raising young (mostly between spring and early summer).
- Keep wildlife wild, don’t feed wild animals or birds – our foods damage their health
- Remain at a safe distance from both wild and farm animals.
Protect the trail from erosion
- Use existing tracks
- To avoid further erosion, travel in single file in the middle of the track even when wet or muddy.
Leave what you find
- Leave gates as you find them.
- Do not damage structures, artifacts or monuments.
- Leave rocks, plants, animals and habitats as you find them.
If you bring it in, take it out!
- Take home ALL litter and leftover food (including tea bags, fruit peels and other biodegradable foods).
- To dispose of solid human waste, dig a hole 10-12cms deep and at least 30m from water, campsites and tracks. Cover and disguise the hole when finished.
Minimise the effects of fire
- Do not light fires and if you smoke, take used matches and cigarette butts home with you.
Where fires are permitted:
- Use established fire rings, barbecues or create a mound fire.
- Keep fires small.Only use sticks from the ground that can be broken by hand. Do not use growing vegetation for use as firewood.
- Avoid burning plastics or other substances: which emit toxic fumes.
- Burn all fires to ash, put out fires completely, and then scatter cool ashes.
Adapted from Leave No Trace Ireland Principles of Outdoor Ethics.