Local Improvement Scheme

Local Improvement Scheme

The Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development to help local authorities carry out improvement works on small roads and laneways in rural areas.

Eligible road projects are those that involve the construction or improvement of non- public roads as follows:

• Road projects which provide access to parcels of land of which two or more are owned or occupied by different persons engaged in separate agricultural activities; or

• Road projects which provide access for harvesting purposes (including turf or seaweed) for two or more persons; or

• Road projects which provide access to at least one parcel of land owned or occupied by a person engaged in agricultural activities AND which separately provides access for harvesting purposes (including turf or seaweed) for at least one other person.

In addition, works can also be carried out on Amenity Roads. Amenity Roads are non- public roads leading to important community amenities such as graveyards, beaches, piers, mountain access points or other tourist/heritage sites.

This Scheme does not apply to roads taken in charge by the Council.


Application form available below. You can submit this form and associated documents to roadsadmin@laoiscoco.ie.

WORD Local-Improvement-Scheme-Application-Form Laois

Local-Improvement-Scheme-Application-Form Laois




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