Planning Applications Received with EIS

File ref: 20/7:

Booth Precast Products Ltd
Develop a total area of 8.5 hectares comprising of the following: Removal of existing stand of trees, vegetation and overburden; Extraction of underlying sand and gravel; Upgrading of existing entrance and sight lines to include removal of boundary vegetation; Construction of screening berms; Erection of an office/canteen and wheelwash; Landscaping and restoration of the site; All associated ancillary facilities/works; The applicant is seeking a 20 year permission as part of the planning application; The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) at Knocknamoe & Ballymullen townlands, Abbeyleix, Co. Laois

File ref: 20/78:

Statkraft Ireland Limited

Construct up to 8 no. wind turbines with a tip height of up to 185 metres and all associated foundations and hardstanding areas; 1 no. on-site electrical substation; 1 no. temporary construction compound; all associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the turbines to the proposed on-site electrical substation; provision of new site access tracks and upgrading of existing access tracks and associated drainage; erection of 1 no. permanent meteorological mast of up to 110m in heights; works to facilitate the delivery of turbines adjacent to the N80 within the townlands of Dernacart and Forest Upper to include the laying of temporary surfacing; tree felling; and all associated site development works, ancillary works and equipment. Permission is sought for a period of 10 years and an operational life of 30 years from the date of commissioning of the entire wind farm. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development at Townlands of Dernacart, Forest Upper & Forest Lower, Co. Laois

File ref: 20/281:

Boolyvannnan Renewable Ltd

Installation of approximately 4.6 kilometers (‘km’) of underground cables within Carlow County Council (‘CCC’) boundary and approximately 2.0km within Laois County Council (‘LCC’) boundary with a voltage of up to 38 kilovolts and associated works, including a new substation with LCC, for the connection of the consented Bilboa Wind Farm (Planning Register References : Carlow County Council 11/154; An Bord Pleanala PL 01.240245) to the national electricity grid; upgrading of an existing forestry track within CCC; construction of two new onsite access track within CCC; reorientation and increasing in size of a crane hardstanding area within CCC; and road strengthening and widening along an updated turbine delivery route, within LCC, pursuant to the consented Bilboa Wind Farm (Planning Register References: Carlow County Council 11/154; An Bord Pleanala PL 01.240245). The application is accompanied by a Planning Report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement at townlands of Rossmore and Clogrennan, Co. Laois

File ref: 20/409:

Advanced Environmental Solutions (Ireland) Ltd

Delete condition 3 of permission 15/403 to allow the continuance of use of the site and premises after the 31st December 2020. The facility operates under an Industrial Emissions Licence granted by the Environmental Protection Agency. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will be submitted to the planning authority with the application. The planning application and EIAR may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours at townlands of Kyletalesha and Kylecloncolbert, Portlaoise, Co. Laois

File ref: 20/308448:

Pinewood Wind Limited

Application to An Bord Pleanála for a ten-year permission in relation to a proposed development in the townland of Knockardagur, Co. Laois as described below:- i. A 110 kilovolt (kV) ‘loop-in/loop-out’ Air-Insulated Switchgear (AIS) electrical substation with a ‘split level’ design, including 2 no. single-storey control buildings (with a Gross Floor Area of 589 square metres), 1 no. transformer bay, 2 no. line bays and all associated electrical equipment, services and lighting within an up to 2.95 metre high fenced compound (with a total footprint of 13,100 square metres); ii. 2 no. lattice-type strain towers with a maximum height of up to 21m and approximately 70m of 110kV overhead electricity lines to facilitate connection of the proposed substation to the permitted 110kV Laois-Kilkenny Grid Reinforcement Project electricity transmission line (An Bord Pleanála Reference PL11.VA0015); iii. Approximately 0.65km of on-site access track with associated site entrance from local public road (L77951); and iv. All associated and ancillary site development, excavation, construction, landscaping and reinstatement works, including provision of site drainage infrastructure and surface water protection measures. The site of the proposed development has a total area of c. 5.5 hectares. The proposed development will facilitate the export of renewable electricity generated at the permitted ‘Pinewoods Wind Farm’ (An Bord Pleanála Reference PL11.248518/Laois County Council Planning Register Reference 16/260 & An Bord Pleanála Reference PL10.248392/Kilkenny County Council Planning Register Reference 17/62) to the national electricity grid. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement have been prepared in respect of the proposed development and accompany this planning application at townland of Knockardagur, Laois.

File ref: 20/605:

Pat Booth

Develop as follows: Quarry activities within the site c. 12.84Ha site for the extraction of and processing of sand and gravel, on site processing of the material to include extraction, washing, sizing, screening and stockpiling; Intermittent crushing of oversized aggregate material; Dispatch of the processed materials off-site on Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV’s); Installation of site wheel wash, refuelling area, oil interceptors, sludge settlement ponds and storm water attenuation/sediment and settlement ponds; Development of a, 3 no. lay-bys on the local road L7939, a new site entrance and internal site access road; Landscaping works to include a planted berm running next to the site entrance and southern boundary of the site; Provision of site office, welfare facilities and all ancillary development infrastructure; and Final restoration of the site. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the planning authority with the planning application at townland of Garrans, Stradbally, Co. Laois

File ref: 21/394:

Integrated Plastic Manufacturing Ltd

construct 6,108 sqm plastic bottle and aluminium can recycling plant, associated process wastewater treatment plant, car parking, footways, drainage, services, boundary treatment, landscaping together with all ancillary works at lands at Knockmay, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will be submitted to the planning authority with the application at townland of Knockmay, Portlaoise, Co. Laois

File ref: 21/568:

Shanoon Resources Limited

develop an underground mine extension to the former Galmoy Zinc & Lead Mine. The underground extension to the mine underlies the townland of Kyle, Co. Laois and will comprise the development of underground workings including an access route to join underground mining works concurrently proposed as recommencement of mining in Co. Kilkenny under Reg. Ref. 21/599 in the Kilkenny townlands of Garrylaun, Castletown, Rathreagh, Rathpatrick, Whiteswall, Moneynamuck (Stopford), Rathbane and Waterland close to the village of Galmoy, Co. Kilkenny. An IPC licence is required in relation to the proposed development. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statemtent (NIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application at townland of Kyle, Co. Laois

File ref: 21/694:

Booth Precast Products Ltd

develop as follows: The development consists of a total area of 8.5 Hectares comprising of the following: Removal of existing stand of trees, vegetation and overburden; Extraction of underlying sand and gravel; Upgrading of existing entrance and site lines to include removal of boundary vegetation; Construction of screening berms, wheel wash facility & refueling area; Landscaping and restoration of the site to agricultural land on completion of extraction; All associated ancillary facilities/works; The applicant is seeking a 10 year permission as part of the planning application; The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement at Knocknamoe and Ballymullen Townlands, Abbeyleix, Co. Laois

File ref: 21/700

Lagan Materials Ltd

develop as follows: the continued use and operation of the existing quarry including deepening of the quarry. Extraction will be confined to the existing permitted quarry area (P.A. Ref. 10/383) comprising an extraction area of c. 14.5 ha within an overall application area of c. 19.6 ha. The development will include provision of new site infrastructure, including portacabin site office / canteen, toilets, concrete batching plant and truck washdown facility, hydrocarbon interceptors, mobile crushing and screening plant, upgrading of the water management system, provision of holding tank for wastewater, and other ancillaries. The proposed development will utilise/upgrade the existing in-situ quarry infrastructure, including site access, internal roads, store room, wheel wash, weighbridge, aggregate storage bays, refuelling hard stand, water settlement pond system, and other ancillaries. The planning application will be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS).

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