The Development Plan review which is currently underway. The paper is also aimed at getting people involved and encouraging discussion before a draft of the next Laois County Development Plan is prepared. This process is intended to stimulate debate about County Laois and assess what are the important strategic planning issues that the Plan should address.
Why a New County Development Plan?
A planning authority is obliged to make a development plan every 6 years. Laois County Council therefore started the preparation of a new County Development Plan on Friday 9th October 2015.
The County Development Plan, prepared under the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) is a six year plan providing a framework for the sustainable physical development of the County, while considering the conservation and protection of the built and natural environment. It also aims to carefully consider the needs of all groups and individuals within the County and promote equal opportunities. The Development Plan sets out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of Laois County in terms of social, cultural, economic and physical development and consists of a written statement supported by mapping and other appendices indicating the development objectives for the County. The Plan must also be consistent with the National Spatial Strategy 2002-2020 and the Midlands Regional Planning Guidelines 2010-2022. Planning applications are assessed against the policies and objectives set out in the Plan.
Who Makes the Plan?
The responsibility for making the Development Plan, including all the various policies and objectives, rests with the elected members of the Planning Authority, in accordance with legislative framework and guidance issued by Minster of the Environment, Community and Local Government. Such guidance relates to a wide range of subject areas including residential development in both rural and urban areas, wind energy, quarries, flooding, retail and more.
To find out more, view our Issues Paper.
Please note that the first list of public consultation meetings have taken place. We will notify you of the next list of meetings.