Estate Management and Anti-Social Behaviour

What is Estate Management?

Estate Management was set up to help improve the social and physical environment in Laois County Council housing estates.

Policies, Objectives and Strategies for Estate Management 2024

Residents groups are encouraged to participate and be pro-active in the management of their own estates. The Tenant Liaison Officer works directly with Resident Associations, facilitates meetings, provides information, invites consultation and devises work programmes.


*Estate Management deals with Laois County Council tenancies ONLY*


The Estate Management Section is involved in the following activities:

  • Establish and support Residents Associations (Setting up a Residents Association)
  • Meet with the Residents Associations on a bi-monthly basis.
  • Pre-Tenancy Courses.
  • Best Estate Competition.
  • Control of Horses 
  • Social Housing – Estate Management Grants – to assist Residents Associations in the development of their estates.
  • Deal with all Anti-social Behaviour and breach of tenancy complaints.

Residents Association Handbook

For information on how to set up a Residents Association, please see Setting up a Residents Association.


NEW FOR 2024


Best Estates Competition 2024

The Estate Management Team at Laois County Council are excited to announce the 2024 Best Estates Competition for Laois County Council Housing Estates and Tenants.  There is a chance for one estate to win €1,500 for their Residents’ Association!  There are thousands in prize money to be won for estates and for individual tenants.  The competition is open to housing estates where 20% of the houses are in ownership of Laois County Council and Laois County Council tenants.

Best Estates Competition Nomination Form 2024


Estate Management Grant

Please click on the link below for information on the Estate Management Grant for 2024.

Grant Application Form – 2024


 Anti-Social Behaviour

There is an obligation on all tenants to ensure that they do not cause damage or become a nuisance to their neighbours. In particular this means:-

  • No drugs
  • No criminal activity
  • No violence or threats of violence
  • No harassment, or abuse
  • No loud noise
  • Control of animals and no animals other than domestic pets
  • Control of visitors to the tenancy and its environs and tenants responsibility for actions/behaviour of visitors

Laois County Council will endeavour to use all necessary measures to prevent and abate anti-social behaviour. Each complaint of anti-social behaviour will be fully investigated and, if proven, immediate action which could involve the institution of legal proceedings and the termination of tenancy will be taken.

For further information, please read the Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy, adopted by Laois County Council in March, 2024.

What to do if you are a victim of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)

Contact the Tenant Liaison Officer at (057) 868 9330, via e-mail to or submit an Estate Management Complaint Form.  You may also do so in person at Aras an Chontae, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, R32 EHP9 to any official working in the Housing Department.

All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Control of Horses

Under the Control of Horses Act, 1996, Laois County Council is empowered to declare, by means of bye laws, control areas where horses may not be kept with out a license. Laois County Council has made bye-laws declaring part of its functional area to be a control area. A person cannot keep a horse in this “controlled area” without a license.  When a horse is impounded it is taken to the pound.  In order to have the horse returned a fee must be paid to Laois County Council.

Read the Control of Horses Bye-Laws here.

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