Nest Boxes

Nestbox Guides

As wildlife lovers we are always keen to do what we can for the birds and other wildlife in our gardens, school grounds and on our farms. We can all help in various ways, perhaps by feeding birds in our gardens each winter or providing safe and suitable nest boxes for them to raise young.

Below you will find three downloadable guides produced by BirdWatch Ireland in association with the Local Authority Heritage Officer Network that provide nest box templates and measurements for some of our favourite garden birds as well as for the amazing Barn Owl and roosting bats. Each guide features installation tips to help you correctly position each box to provide safe nesting opportunities for target species and increase the chances of uptake.

Garden Bird Nestbox Plans

This guide provides a template and measurements for you to create a range of nestboxes for a number of common garden bird species including, Robins, Blue/Great Tits, Starlings and Spotted Flycatcher. Click the picture to download a high resolution pdf.

Outdoor Barn Owl Nestbox Plan

This guide provides a template and measurements for you to create a Barn Owl nestbox suitable for installation outdoors. Click the picture to download a high resolution pdf.


Bat Roost Box Plan

This guide provides a template and measurements for you to create a bat roost box to safely accommodate roosting bats in your garden. Click the picture to download a high resolution pdf.


Our sincere thanks to BirdWatch Ireland for the production of these guides, in association with the Local Authority Heritage Officer Network. See here for more information on the work of BirdWatch Ireland and how to join to support this invaluable conservation work.


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