Our Accounts Payable Section makes payments to suppliers for goods and services, grants and loan payments. Businesses or individuals who wish to enquire about payments can contact the accounts payable section on the numbers given in the contacts section. Enquiries regarding grant and loan application or orders for goods/services should be made to the section processing the application or ordering the goods/service (e.g. Housing, Water Services, Environment, Roads, Area Offices etc.)
Accounts Payable Section, Laois County Council, Áras an Chontae, Portlaoise, Co. Laois.
Invoice Queries: –
Marie Nestor (057) 8664117
Helen Phelan (057) 8664183
Janet Molloy (057) 8664063
Ordering and invoicing.
All orders for goods/services must be accompanied by a purchase order number which will be provided by the person ordering the goods/services at the time the order is placed. An order placed without a relevant purchase order number will not be regarded as an official order from Laois County Council.
All invoices should be submitted to the Accounts Payable Section, Laois County Council, Áras an Chontae, JFL Avenue, Portlaoise, Co. Laois and it should quote the purchase order number.
The supplier name, invoice, quantity, value and currency on the invoice should be the same as the purchase order details.
Tax Clearance
A Tax Clearance Certificate is confirmation from Revenue that a person’s/entity’s tax affairs are in order at the date of issue of the certificate.
eTax Clearance
eTax Clearance was introduced in December 2015. The changes are in line with the legislative provisions of Section 95 of the Finance Act 2014, which provided for 2 key changes
- processing of tax clearance applications, certificates issued by the Collector-General and verification by third parties, is all in electronic format; and
- where a taxpayer is found to be non-compliant with their obligations their tax clearance certificate can be rescinded(or withdrawn).
eTax Clearance is available to business, PAYE and non-resident customers with a PPSN/Reference number. There is no change to the current process for customers/applicants that are not registered for Irish tax, i.e. non-residents or some community/voluntary groups. These applications will continue to be processed by the Collector General’s Office. Furthermore, eTax Clearance does not apply to Standards in Public Office (SIPO) applicants.
Applications in eTax Clearance are processed in real time. Customers who are tax compliant receive a Tax Clearance Access Number, which along with their PPSN/Reference number they give to a third party to verify their tax clearance details. eTax Clearance produces electronic output – in ROS or myAccount – and customers have the facility to print their tax clearance certificate from the screens, if required.
Tax clearance will be regularly reviewed and if a customer becomes non-compliant, their electronic tax clearance certificate can be rescinded (withdrawn). Where a customer’s tax clearance certificate is rescinded, and the customer requires tax clearance at a future date, they will have to reapply online for tax clearance.
The new eTax Clearance system was available from 7 December 2015 and applicants could apply for electronic tax clearance from that date. The following guidance documents are provided for applicants who wish to apply for electronic tax:
- eTax Clearance (eTC) – 1 page leaflet(PDF, 421KB)
- Summary guide for applicants(PDF, 555KB)
- eTax Clearance for SPSV licence holders (Taxi drivers)(PDF, 617KB)