The Laois Short Film Inaugural Bursary aims to foster talent and activity in film making in County Laois and is funded by Creative Ireland in partnership with Laois County Council. The Bursary is for a short drama or documentary film of 10 to 12 minutes duration to be shot in the county.
The 2021 Bursary is now open for submissions with a deadline of 4pm on Friday 6th August
This year both short documentary (10-12mins) & drama (10-12mins) are being accepted.
Also, a core member of each team applying for the bursary, ie Writer/ Director/ Producer, must be from or living in Laois.
This Bursary is highly competitive and we are asking for the widest range of stories possible. We are interested in screenplays that reflect aspects of Irish experience across different generations/gender/ethnicities, class and landscapes. It is important that Laois features on screen and so we would like to hear about locations you are thinking of using.
The successful team are encouraged to hire local crew to work on the shoot.
You can access the guidelines & application form here: