Pollinators public art project

The Heritage Offices of Laois and Offaly County Councils, with the support of Creative Ireland, wish to commission up to two artists to explore and present aspects of the pollinators of Ireland through art.
This is a multi-disciplinary commission and applications are invited from professional visual artists, film makers, musicians, writers, theatre practitioners choreographers, dance makers, new media and more. Applicants can submit a proposal to work in one or both counties. Each county project has a commission value of €10,000.

The project brief for this commission of an original art work for Laois and Offaly is now available. The closing date for receipt of proposals from artists is 12th May 2017.

(Photo courtey of the National Biodiversity Data Centre)

Pollinator plan

Over one third of Irish bees species are under threat of extinction, having suffered reductions in habitat, including safe places to nest and food sources. In response to this, the All Ireland Pollinator Plan was published in 2015, with actions under five key objectives to deliver conservation for pollinators. The objectives are:

  1. Making Ireland pollinator friendly (farmland, public land & private land)
  2. Raising awareness of pollinators and how to protect them
  3. Managed pollinators – supporting beekeepers and growers
  4. Expanding our knowledge on pollinators and pollination service
  5. Collecting evidence to track change and measure success

The Pollinator Plan has succeeded bringing together a wide range of groups related to government, farming, communities and business, to work for pollinators. This public art project aims to further raise awareness of the importance of pollinators by engaging with communities in a creative way to explore and deepen understanding of the importance of pollinators in our lives.

More information on the All Ireland Pollinator Plan is here.


This project is funded through the Creative Ireland Programme in Laois and Offaly.

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