Roads and Transport

Roads and Transport Services

Road Networks

Accessible Footpaths and Crossings

Laois County Council may provide tactile paving on public footpaths, streets and crossings in urban areas to make them safe for people with disabilities.

Cycle Parking

Laois County Council may provide on street cycle parking facilities in designated areas.

Drainage from Public Roads Enforcement

Laois County Council may take action against landowners who do not take reasonable steps to let water drain from a public road onto their land or who let water, soil or other materials escape from their land onto a public road.

Footpath Dishing Permission

You must apply to Laois County Council for permission to lower the level of a footpath to allow vehicles to enter your property.

Road Signs

Laois County Council provides and maintains road signs on local and regional roads.

Roadworks Information

Laois County Council provides information about roadworks, road closures and diversions.

Roadworks Management

Laois County Council coordinates and manages roadworks to reduce their impact on traffic flow and maintain public safety.

Speed Limit Setting Consultation

Laois County Council may set special speed limits near built-up areas, schools and housing estates to improve road safety for all road users. You can have an input into the proposed speed limits through consultation.

Taxi Ranks

Laois County Council, together with other agencies, provide and manage taxi ranks by planning their location, deciding on their size and hours of operation, and overseeing their use.

Tree and Hedge Cutting Enforcement

Laois County Council may require landowners to cut trees, shrubs, hedges and other vegetation on their lands that interferes with the safe use of a public road or footpath. Local authorities may take action against landowners.

Road Licences and Permits

Abnormal Load Permit

You must apply to Laois County Council for a permit if you want to transport heavy or wide loads on public roads.

Bus Stop Use Permission

Bus or coach operators must apply to Laois County Council for permission to use an existing or proposed bus or coach stop location.

Heavy Goods Vehicle Permit

You must apply to Laois County Council for a permit to deliver or collect a heavy load from a premises or construction site within restricted areas.

Residential Parking Permit

Residents can apply to Laois County Council for a permit to park in designated parking areas near their home.

Road Opening Licence

You must apply to Laois County Council if you want to open a section of public road, footpath or associated grass verge to carry out work.

Suspension of Parking Bay Permit

You must apply to Laois County Council for a permit if you want to temporarily put a skip or mobile appliance in a parking place or erect hoarding or scaffolding on a public road.

Temporary Road Closure Request

You must apply to Laois County Council if you want to temporarily close a road to facilitate building works, store materials, erect hoarding, fencing or scaffolding or place a crane or hoist on the road.

Traffic and Parking

Loading Bays

Laois County Council may provide loading bays to let commercial goods vehicles load or unload deliveries to commercial premises during designated hours.

Parking Fine Appeal

You can appeal a parking fine to Laois County Council or to a private operator if they have issued a parking fine on behalf of the council.

Pay Parking

Laois County Council enforces on-street parking and may act against people who park illegally, do not display a valid parking ticket, permit or motor tax disc, exceed the maximum stay restrictions or do not pay parking charges.

Public Car Parks

Laois County Council provides public car parks where drivers can pay to park.

Traffic Calming Measures Consultation

You can comment on or object to Laois County Council about its proposal to install or remove traffic calming measures such as road signs, road markings, bollards, modified road surfaces, speed ramps and speed cushions.

Traffic Calming Schemes

Laois County Council may provide traffic calming measures such as signs, road markings, bollards, modified road surfaces, speed ramps and cushions to reduce speed rates and increase road safety.

Traffic Lights

Laois County Council may provide traffic lights to manage traffic flow and improve road safety.

Traffic Management Support

Laois County Council may provide traffic management support for public events such as road closures, road signage, traffic cones and barriers, and designated parking areas.

Traffic Signal Fault Reporting

You can report faulty traffic signals such as traffic lights, push buttons and push button audio faults to Laois County Council.

Road Maintenance

Bridge Maintenance

Laois County Council carry out maintenance works on bridges such as minor repairs, structural and remedial works.

Drain and Gully Maintenance

Laois County Council authorities maintain drains and gullies on public roads by clearing debris from flooding.

Footpath Maintenance

Laois County Council maintain public footpaths by repairing damaged surfaces, broken kerbs and loose brickwork.

Road Surface Marking Request

You can request Laois County Council to repaint faded road markings or provide new markings such as stop lines, double yellow lines and box junctions.

Roads Winter Maintenance

Laois County Council operate winter road maintenance programmes such as salting and gritting during severe weather.

Markets and Trading

Casual Trading Enforcement

Laois County Council may take action against casual traders operating without a licence or in breach of their licence.

Casual Trading Licence

You must apply for licence to Laois County Council if you are a casual trader and you want to sell goods in a public place or designated trading area.

Road Safety

Collision Prevention Programme

Laois County Council together with An Garda Síochána (national police) may run collision preventions programmes to identify and make safe locations where frequent accidents have occurred.

Low Cost Accident Scheme

Laois County Council may carry out road safety improvement works at single sites or on a road where the site or road has been the location of accidents or near misses causing injury.

Road Emergency Response

Laois County Council may attend emergencies on public roads such as road traffic accidents, oil spills, loose animals or fallen debris, walls or fences.

Road Safety Initiatives

Laois County Council run road safety initiatives to promote and raise awareness of safer road use.

Road Safety Materials

Laois County Council may provide road safety materials such as high visibility vests, arm bands, reflectors, and cycle lights to the public.

School Crossings

Laois County Council may engage school traffic wardens to operate school crossings and help children cross public roads safely on their way to and from school.

Road Schemes

Community Involvement Scheme

Laois County Council may support local residents and landowners to restore regional and local roads which serve their properties. Residents and landowners must pay a contribution to the restoration works.

Local Improvement Scheme

Laois County Council may provide support to groups of local residents and landowners for the restoration of non public local roads serving their properties. The Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development. It provides grant funding for improvement works on small roads and laneways which are in private/non-public ownership.

Sustainable Travel

Park 'n' Stride Initiative

Laois County Council together with An Taisce and local schools and businesses, may operate the park and stride scheme to encourage parents to park free of charge in designated car parks while they walk their children to school.

Sustainable Transportation Programme

Laois County Council together with the National Transport Authority, support sustainable public transport by providing bus corridors and services, cycle routes and walkways.

Severe Weather

Flood Barrier Grant Scheme

Laois County Council may provide financial support to property owners to install flood barriers to help protect their property from flooding.

Flood Defence Maintenance

Laois County Council may maintain and repair flood barriers, drains, culverts and embankments in designated drainage districts.

Flood Relief Schemes

Laois County Council together with the Office of Public Works, may undertake flood prevention works such as construction of embankments and flood barriers, monitoring of water levels, and repairs and replacement of culverts and bridges.

Road Condition Monitoring

Laois County Council monitor road conditions during severe weather to see if roads need sanding, gritting or removal of debris.


Laois County Council may provide sandbags or gel bags to the public if there is a risk of flooding during severe weather.

Severe Weather Emergency Response

Laois County Council together with other public agencies, respond to severe weather threats such as storms, floods and heavy snowfall.

Statistics and Reports

Roads and Transportation Reports

Laois County Council may provide information and reports on roads and transport to An Garda Síochana, government departments and agencies.

Contact this service


Áras an Chontae

James Fintan Lalor Ave,
Co. Laois,
R32 EHP9

Opening times

9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).  The offices are closed for lunch between 1.00 pm and 2.00 pmx

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