Arts and Culture

Arts and Culture Services

Art and Artists

Art Galleries

Laois County has three exhibition spaces in Abbeyleix, Mountmellick and Stradbally.

Artists in Residence

Laois County Council runs an artist in residency programme at the Laois Arthouse in Stradbally. Artists may apply through an rolling submission process.

Artists in Residence Programme

Local authorities, together with an artist in residence, run talks, lectures, workshops and art classes to promote an appreciation of art.

Artists Register

Laois County Council maintains a register of creative and performing artists who operate locally across all art forms.

Artists Studio Scheme

Local authorities provide affordable studios to artists to help them to develop their work and contribute to the arts locally.

Arts Hubs

Local authorities provide arts hubs for artists to exhibit their work, use for rehearsals or use as incubation spaces for visual art, theatre, music, writing and other art forms.

Arts in the Irish Language Support

Local authorities support artists and arts organisations to create written or spoken works in Irish to promote and celebrate the language.

Arts Information and Advice

Laois County Council provide information and advice about the arts and arts development to artists, those involved in voluntary arts initiatives and the general public, by publishing programmes, e-bulletins, via web and social media.

Public Art Commissions Programme

Laois County Council has utilised the Percent for Art Scheme over many years, commissioning numerous artworks and residency programmes, supporting artists to create new work in response to the social, cultural and historic context of Laois.

Public Art Register

Local authorities maintain a public register of art in the public arena and artworks on display in local authority buildings.

Arts Grants

Artists Grant Scheme

Local authorities provide financial support to emerging artists to create works across all art forms including music, dance, film, literature, theatre and performance.

Arts Act Grant

Local authorities provide financial support to arts practitioners and amateur groups to support community projects that promote interest in the arts.

Arts Grants

Laois County Council provide financial support to professional artists, arts groups, community and voluntary groups to support arts projects that promote public engagement with the arts.

Arts Development

Arts Ability Programme

Local authorities run a programme to help people with disabilities to access and experience the arts through activities such as painting and drawing, sculpture, music, drama, dance and poetry to support their development as artists.

Arts and Health Programme

Local authorities, together with the Health Service Executive, run activities such as painting, drawing, sculpture, music, and poetry to encourage people to engage with the arts and improve their health and wellbeing.

Arts and Older People Initiatives

Local authorities run initiatives for older people to help them access and take part in the arts as artists, audience members, critics and arts workers.

Arts Centres

Laois County Council have developed and support a number of arts venues within the county. These host a range of activities such as theatrical and musical performances, cinema screenings, visual art exhibitions, craft fairs, and workshops across all art forms.

Arts Development Programmes

Local authorities run artistic residencies, youth projects, and arts and wellbeing programmes to increase participation in, and appreciation of, all art forms.

Arts Festivals Support

Laois County Council supports local arts festivals by providing financial support, developing and contributing to festival programmes, providing venues and promoting festivals to stimulate interest in the arts.

Arts in Education Programmes

Local authorities, together with other stakeholders, run music, art, and theatre programmes in schools to encourage students to take part in the arts and give them an opportunity to perform.

Arts Publications

Local authorities publish documents about the arts such as catalogues, anthologies and online material to support and promote the arts.

Music in Healthcare Programme

Local authorities, together with other stakeholders, provide music tuition to musicians working in healthcare settings.

Visual Art Exhibition Programme

Local authorities invite proposals from professional artists, curators and arts organisations to create visual artworks and submit them to be considered for public exhibition.

Youth Arts Centres

Local authorities, together with other stakeholders, provide youth arts facilities which offer programmes and activities including dance, singing, musical theatre and art.

Youth Arts Programme

Local authorities, together with other stakeholders, run events and activities in theatre, music and film to encourage children and young people to take part in the arts.

Equality, Integration and Social Inclusion

Arts and Cultural Diversity Initiatives

Local authorities run national day celebrations and arts activities with new communities to promote and celebrate cultural diversity and integration through the arts.

Arts and Disability Initiatives

Local authorities run initiatives for people with disabilities to help them access and take part in the arts as artists, arts workers and audience members.

Arts and Equality Initiatives

Local authorities run initiatives to promote equality, diversity and inclusion through the arts and help people to access, engage and take part in the arts.

Awards and Bursaries

Arts Awards and Bursaries Schemes

Local authorities award a bursary to professional artists to help them develop their work and professional skills in their chosen art form.

Laois County Council Plans

Arts Development Plan Consultation

Local authorities prepare plans for the development of the arts and artistic appreciation and participation across all art forms. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

Culture and Creativity Strategy Consultation

Local authorities prepare strategies to promote participation in cultural activities and improve wellbeing through culture and creativity. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

Statistics and Reports

Arts Reports

Local authorities provide reports and information on the arts to government departments and other agencies.

Culture Reports

Local authorities provide reports and information on culture to government departments and other agencies

Culture and Creativity

Creative Ireland Grant Scheme

Local authorities provide financial support to community and voluntary groups and anyone involved in the arts, culture, heritage and language sectors to develop projects to improve access to, and appreciation of, the arts, culture and creativity.

Creative Ireland Programme

Local authorities run cultural events and activities to promote community wellbeing as part of the national Creative Ireland Programme.

Cruinniú na nÓg Programme

Local authorities run events and activities for children and young people such as street theatre, workshops, screenings and readings as part of national Cruinniú na nÓg Day to encourage participation in culture and creativity.

Cultural Quarters

Local authorities develop cultural quarters in designated urban areas to help create innovative communities for residents and businesses and provide a cultural space to improve the area's retail and tourism offering.

Culture Awareness Initiatives

Local authorities run culture days, music performances, literary events and intercultural events to promote cultural awareness.

Culture Night Programme

Local authorities, together with other stakeholders, provide music performances, exhibitions and tours in museums, galleries, libraries and other venues as part of national Culture Night.

Culture Trail Initiatives

Local authorities run food and drink trails, music trails and art, craft and design trails to showcase local culture and promote locations as attractive tourism destinations.

European Capital of Culture Programme

Local authorities, together with other stakeholders, run music, education, film, literary, art and history events and activities as part of their European Capital of Culture programme.

Traditional Irish Music Initiatives

Local authorities run music trails, education programmes, master classes and lectures to celebrate and preserve a region’s unique musical heritage, promote tourism and encourage interest in traditional Irish music performance.

Culture and Heritage Partnerships

European Cultural Partnerships Initiatives

Local authorities, together with European partners, take part in projects that explore and strengthen their local identities and develop a better understanding of the cultural and historic links between them.

Irish Language Development

Irish Language Promotion

Local authorities promote the development of the Irish language by organising events and activities in Irish, supporting community groups and people who want to operate through Irish, and support the use of Irish language place-names, signage and culture.