Tree and Hedge Cutting Enforcement

Laois County Council may require landowners to cut trees, shrubs, hedges and other vegetation on their lands that interferes with the safe use of a public road or footpath. Local authorities may take action against landowners.

Prohibit hedge cutting: 1 March to 31 August
Allowed hedge cutting: September to February

What is the landowners responsibility?

There is an onus on landowners to ensure that any trees and hedges on their property:  

  • Do not obstruct or interfere with the safe use of the public road
  • Do not obstruct or interfere with the maintenance of the public road  
  • Do not pose a hazard to people using the public road.    

Hedgerows along the public road that require cutting or trimming back should be cut and all cuttings removed from the roads and verges.  Adequate signposting should be provided.  

Roadside trees should be inspected, and action taken to prevent any potential hazard to the public.  Such inspections should be carried out by qualified personnel.  

Liability for damage or injury resulting from such hazards will rest with the landowner/occupier  

Hedge cutting season  

Section 40 of the Wildlife Act 1976 as amended by the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000 and the Heritage Act 2018, prohibits the cutting of hedges and the clearing of vegetation during the bird nesting season from 1 March to 31 August.  

Maintenance and cutting of hedgerows may take place from September to February, when hedgerows are dormant.  


If the council is notified of a potential public safety risk in relation to roadside structure, tree, shrub, hedge or other vegetation, it may: 

  • Issue a Hedge Cutting Notice, under Section 70 of the Roads Act 1993, to a landowner at any time during the year to compel them to cut hedges, verges or trees.
  • Take immediate action to reduce/remove the hazard.  In such circumstances, Laois County Council may recover any reasonable costs incurred by it from the landowner/occupier. 

Further information

If you have concerns regarding the above, please contact or phone 057 866 4000.