Laois County Council, together with their local Age Friendly Alliance board, prepare strategies for creating communities which support older people and enable them to stay actively engaged in their community. You can have an input into the strategies through consultation.
Laois County Council regulates air emissions from industrial plants such as bitumen plants and small thermal plants to ensure the emissions are safe and comply with regulations.
Industrial plants that release emissions into the atmosphere such as bitumen plants and small scale thermal plants must apply to the local authority for a licence.
Laois County Council investigates antisocial behaviour involving Laois County Council tenants. If necessary, they may involve An Garda Síochána (national police).
You must apply for planning permission if you want to build or demolish property, or significantly alter the use of land or property unless the development is exempt.
Laois County Council provide information and advice about archaeological finds, the protection of national, historic and recorded monuments, and the impact of development on or near archaeological sites.
Laois County Council provide information and advice to history and heritage groups and the public on preserving archives, local history and donating archive collections. They use social media and websites to raise awareness of their resources.