
All pages relating to community.

Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme

The Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) provides funding for the development of new outdoor recreational infrastructure. It also provides support for the necessary repair, maintenance, enhancement or promotion of existing outdoor recreational infrastructure in rural areas across Ireland.

Older People's Council Support

Laois County Council have set up an Older People's Council and support this council to represent the views of older people, promote inclusion of older people in communities, prevent age related isolation and loneliness, and promote fitness and active ageing.

Local Development Strategy Consultation

Local Action Groups prepare strategies to support and promote economic development, social inclusion and the rural environment in designated rural areas. You can have an input into the strategies through consultation.

Local Community Development Committee Support

Laois County Council help Local Community Development Committees to create an integrated approach to community development by coordinating access to funding, developing and delivering projects, and promoting community engagement.

Joint Policing Committee Support

Laois County Council, together with An Garda Síochána elected representatives and community and voluntary groups, set up and support committees to discuss local policing issues. These issues include crime, public disorder and antisocial behaviour and recommend ways to help reduce crime and improve public safety.

International Relations and Twinning

Local authorities support communities to develop links with towns abroad to gain a better understanding of nationalities and cultures, develop partnerships with international communities and advance business opportunities for the twinned locations.

Healthy Ireland Fund

Healthy Laois works to improve the health and wellbeing of Laois residents by supporting people to look after their own health and wellbeing and to live healthy lifestyles. We work with Community Groups and Organisations in Laois and look at all factors of health like where we are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the forces and systems that shape our daily life.

Healthy Cities and Counties Programme

Local authorities, together with other agencies, may take part in the National Healthy Cities and Counties of Ireland Network through their Local Community Development Committees to promote lifelong health and wellbeing and influence national health policy.