
All pages relating to community.

Rural Regeneration and Development Fund

The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) is a key capital investment scheme which directly supports the objectives of Our Rural Future and the Town Centre First policy.

Rural Development Strategy Consultation

Laois Partnership Company prepared the Local Development Strategy 2023-2027 following public consultations held from March to May 2023 with communities and stakeholder across Laois. The LEADER 2023-2027 Programme, co-funded by both the EU and the Department of Rural and Community Development, is a programme to support communities and businesses across Laois to build on what they have in their local area, by overcoming social and economic challenges to protect and enhance their local environment.

Rural Development (LEADER) Programme

The LEADER 2023-2027 Programme, co-funded by both the EU and the Department of Rural and Community Development – is a programme to support communities and businesses across Laois to build on what they have in their local area; overcome social and economic challenges and protect and enhance their local environment.

Rural Development Initiatives

Laois County Council work with Laois partnership to develop initiatives to attract people to live and work in rural communities such as enterprise and employment projects, transport initiatives, broadband services, digital hubs and e-working spaces.

Public Participation Network Support

Local authorities set up and support networks to encourage registered community, voluntary, social inclusion and environmental groups to take part in the council's decision-making and policy making processes, and to monitor local authority activities.

Pride of Place Initiative

IPB Pride of Place in association with Co-operation Ireland is an all-island competition that acknowledges the work that communities are doing all over the island of Ireland.

Parks and Open Spaces Landscaping

Local authorities landscape and maintain public parks and open spaces by planting trees, shrubs and flowers, cutting grass and controlling weeds to improve the appearance of these public spaces.