
All pages relating to licences.

Playing Pitch Letting Licence

Sports clubs, community, and voluntary organisations who wish to use local authority owned playing pitches may have to apply to the local authority for a licence.

Outdoor Event Licence

Organisers of outdoor events with an audience of more than 5,000 may have to apply to Laois County Council for a licence.

Mobile Appliance Licence

You must apply to Laois Planning Authority for a licence to use mobile equipment such as cranes, cherry pickers or hoists.

Heavy Goods Vehicle Permit

You must apply to Laois County Council for a permit to deliver or collect a heavy load from a premises or construction site within restricted areas.

General Dog Licence

You must hold a valid licence if you manage a dog kennel with 20 or more dogs. You can apply to the local authority for an annual licence.

Exhumation Licence

You must apply to Laois County Council for an exhumation licence to exhume the remains of a deceased person.

Discharge to Waters Licence

Businesses must apply to the Laois County Council for a licence to discharge liquids or sewage to rivers, lakes or the sea.