Discharge to Waters Licence Register

Laois County Council maintain a public register of businesses which have a licence to discharge liquids or sewage to rivers, lakes and the sea.

Effluent Discharge Licences 

If your business discharges trade effluent to water / groundwater or sewer, this activity is licensable under Section 4 or Section 16 of the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977 and 1990 (as amended). 

Licence applications for discharge of trade effluent to waters are made to the Laois County Council. Discharges to sewers are made to Irish Water. 

Discharge Licences to Waters 

Application forms and guidance relating to discharges to surface water can be obtained by clicking on the links below. 

  • Discharge Licence to Surface Waters Application Form (Link to Form)
  • Discharge Licence to Surface Waters Guidance Notes (Link to Form)

Discharge Licences to Groundwaters 

Application forms and guidance relating to discharges to groundwater can be obtained by clicking on the links below. 

  • Discharge Licence to Groundwaters Application Form (Link to Form)
  • Discharge Licence to Groundwaters Guidance Notes (Link to Form)

Discharge Licences to Sewers

Discharges to sewers are licenced under section 16 of the Act and applications are to be made online to Irish Water at this link.