
All pages relating to libraries.

Local History Resources Access

Public libraries may provide photographic collections, census information, newspaper archives, historical maps and other local history material for reference and use in the library.

Local Historians in Residence Programme

Public libraries, together with a local historian in residence, may run a programme of local history events in the library including talks and lectures, workshops, walks and tours, history book clubs, blogs and exhibitions.

Literary Festival Initiatives

Public libraries host literary festivals, poetry readings, creative writing classes, and panel discussions with authors to promote reading and writing.

Literacy Resources Lending

Public libraries lend literacy resources such as reading schemes, high interest low level readers and flashcards to library members.

Library Wheelchairs

Public libraries may provide wheelchairs to help people with mobility issues to get around the library building.

Library Visits to Schools

Public libraries may visit schools to tell students about library services, how to join the library and what resources available to them.