
All pages relating to libraries.

Remote Printing

Public libraries may provide remote access to printers so that library users can send print jobs from their home or office to a printer in the library and later print them at the library.

Reading Recommendations

Public libraries provide recommended reading lists for children and adults to promote reading.

Parent and Toddler Groups Support

Public libraries run or host groups where young children can meet, play and listen to stories and parents and guardians can compare notes on parenting and early childhood issues.

Newspapers Access

Public libraries provide local and national daily and weekly newspapers for anyone to read in the library.

National Library Programmes Support

Public libraries support national programmes such as Heritage Week, Science Week, Engineers Week, National Tree Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, World Book Day and the Bealtaine Festival by running relevant activities and events in libraries during these dates.

My Open Library Initiative

Public libraries may give library members access to library services on a self service basis during extended opening times to borrow and return books, use the internet and WiFi, and print, photocopy and study.