Active Travel Overview

Active Travel has great benefits for our planet and great benefits for you and the community you live in.

What are the benefits of Active Travel?

We, and the place we live in, can all benefit from Active Travel. It is an enjoyable way to travel and brings with it many benefits:

Physical and Mental Health Improvements                                   

Active travel benefits your health and wellbeing through increased physical activity. It gives you a better sense of connection with your locality – you will see much more when walking or cycling!

Quicker Journeys                                                                                        

For your short local journeys it can be quicker to cycle as opposed to taking the car. Sitting in traffic is time wasted, whereas your bike is quicker to get you around the traffic.

Climate Change                                               

Active travel reduces car dependency and therefore, reduces pollution. Our urban areas will benefit from cleaner air, so it’s a win-win for us and our environment!

Safer Roads                                                        

A greater volume of pedestrians and cyclists on our roads and streets increases driver awareness. This improves driver behaviour.

Saves You Money                                                 

You can make savings by using your bike or walking. You will use less fuel and energy for your car, and the Bike to Work Scheme also provides tax relief for people who cycle to work.   

 Further Information on the Cycle to Work Scheme can be found here

Transport Equality                                                    

More footpaths and cycle tracks provide safer infrastructure for those who may not own or have access to a car.

Accessibility Improvements                                     

Improved footpaths and cycle tracks are making our streets more accessible for disabled or older citizens.

Further Information on safe routes to school can be found here

Safe Routes to School                                             

The SRTS Programme is a partnership between An Taisce, the NTA and Local Authorities. The programme aims to remove traffic congestion at the front of schools for our pupils to access the school safely. The programme is delivering safer routes to school for your children to safely walk, cycle or wheel to school.

 We can neglect our social health when we are isolated in our cars. Active Travel encourages more social interaction because we see more of each other on our journeys.