The Mountmellick Local Area Plan 2018 - 2024 was adopted by the Elected Members of Laois County Council at a Council meeting on the 10th September 2018. The Mountmellick Local Area Plan 2018 - 2024 came into effect on 8th October 2018.
What is a Local Area Plan (LAP)?
Local area plans are intended to provide more detailed planning policies for areas that are expected to experience significant development and change, through proper public participation and democratic oversight. Local area plans must focus on delivering quality outcomes for local communities informed by effective involvement by those communities in preparing the local plan and the wider planning policy context. The local area plan must identify the mechanisms that will secure the implementation of the necessary physical, social and environmental infrastructure required to achieve the objectives of the plan
Mountmellick Local Area Plan.pdf
Map 2: Land Use Zoning Map.pdf
Map 3: Land Use Flooding & SAC.pdf
Map 4: Mountmellick Flood Plains.pdf
Map: Mountmellick Natura Site.pdf
Mountmellick Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement
Mountmellick SEA Non Technical Summary
Mountmellick SEA Environmental Report pdf
Mountmellick Addendum 1 SEA AA & SFRA
Mountmellick Natura Impact Report.pdf
Mountmellick Strategic Flood Risk Assessment .pdf
Further information
Should you have any further queries, please contact the Planning Department by email on or telephone 057 866 4039