Local Area Plan Consultation

Local authorities prepare local area plans for land use and development management. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

Please visit our online consultation portal to keep up-to-date on any upcoming local area plan consultations. 

What are local area plans?

A Local Area Plan (LAP) sets out a strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of a specific area within a local authority and for a timescale as specified by the authority. The plan must consist of a written statement and map or maps, which set out the local authorities’ objectives for the plan area. These objectives may relate to any or all of the following:- 

  • Land Use Zoning & Density
  • Public Open Space
  • Private Open Space
  • Car Parking
  • Provision of Infrastructure
  • Conservation of Built Heritage
  • Conservation of Natural Environment
  • Provision of Traveller Accommodation
  • Community Facilities
  • Design & Development Standards.

Pre-draft public consultation phase 

Prior to preparing a draft Plan, Laois County Council will take whatever steps it considers necessary to consult the public including:

  • public bodies
  • non-governmental agencies
  • residents’ associations
  • community groups and 
  • business interests in the area

This may involve advertisements, public meetings etc

Your role in the Local Area Plan process 

A Local Area Plan is prepared with input from many people and organisations including the following:

  • Elected Members of the County Council (Councillors)
  • Members of the Public
  • Departments within the County Council
  • Residents’ associations, community groups, non-governmental agencies, etc.
  • An Bord Pleanála & Prescribed Authorities, e.g. the National Roads Authority, E.S.B. etc.

It is important that everybody who may be affected by the plan is given the opportunity to be involved in this process. A Local Area Plan is a plan, which will govern all development on the plan area for the timescale specified. Everybody including those not directly affected is entitled to give an opinion on any aspect of a Local Area Plan. All written submissions received during the draft display will be considered and reported on in the Manager’s Report. 

Further information

Should you have any further queries, please contact the Planning Department by email on planning@laoiscoco.ie or telephone 057 866 4039