Meet the Team

The Integration Team at Laois County Council will provide assistance to help people integrate into the community.

Laois Local Authority Integration Team 

The aim of the Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) is to help people to settle and integrate into communities. The LAIT helps people to access the services that are available to them.  Integration means being able to take part in society as much as a person wants and needs, without giving up their own cultural identity.    

The Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) works with:  

  • Applicants for International Protection,
  • Those with Refugee, Subsidiary Protection, or Permission to remain status
  • Programme Refugees
  • Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection

The LAIT will give people information and advice. It will also guide them to services that will help them integrate into the community, such as English language classes, training, education, healthcare, employment, and cultural, social, and political participation.  

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What does the Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) do?  

The LAIT supports people to integrate into life in Ireland by providing:  

  • A Directory of local services,  
  • Signposting people to relevant services,  
  • Information Packs,  
  • Information Clinics.  

How do I book an appointment or attend a clinic?  

Clinics will be held at the Accommodation Centre, where staff from the Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) will meet you. Information about these clinics will be provided by the accommodation provider.    

You can ask for a meeting with a member of the team by sending an email to  

What happens at the appointment?  

You will meet with one of the Integration Support Workers and they will ask questions about your:

  • health and well-being
  • family
  • community integration
  • employment
  • education
  • your day-to-day living  
  • accessing public services

You do not have to answer any questions if you do not want to. The information which you share will be treated confidentially and stored securely.  The Integration Support worker will then direct you to relevant services, provide information, or inform you about upcoming clinics

Does the Laois Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) help with housing?  

No, the LAIT team does not have a role in providing or finding accommodation or identifying suitable properties or locations.  

The Peter McVerry Trust gives support to individuals with status to help them through the process of finding their own accommodation.  

Further information

For further information please contact the Laois Local Authority Integration Team by phone on 057 866 4082 or email: