Litter Fine Payment

You must pay a litter fine to Laois County Council.

How much is a litter fine?

Leaving or throwing litter in a public place or in any place that is visible from a public place is an offence which can be subject to an on the spot fine of €150 or a fine of up to €4,000 where court convictions are secured. 

A person convicted of a litter offence may also be required to pay the local authority’s costs and expenses in investigating the offence and bringing the prosecution to court, including solicitor fees.

The relevant legislation governing litter is the Litter Pollution Act 1997.

What happens if I have received a litter fine?

If you have received a litter fine, you have 21 days from date of fine to pay.  If no payment is received; our solicitor will be instructed to commence court proceedings. You will then receive a summons to attend court, and would be advised to consult with a solicitor if a summons is received.

If payment is received within the 21 days the file will be closed, however under S28(3) of the Act the onus is on you to prove that payment has been made within the required timeframe. 

What happens if I do not pay a litter fine?

If you do not pay the €150.00 fine within 21days, legal proceeding will be initiated and dealt with in the District Court

This process within the District court can result in charges up to €4,000.00. If you have been served a litter fine by Laois County Council please arrange for payment within 21 days.

How do I pay a litter fine?

There are a number of ways to pay a litter fine:

  • By post

Postal order or cheque can be made payable to Laois County Council to the following address

The Cash Office, 
Laois County Council, 
County Hall,
Co. Laois.

Ensure to add your name and fine number. Cash should NOT be sent by post.

  • Cash Office

A person can pay a litter fine at laois county council, cash office by cash or debit card. The office is open to walk in customers between 09.30am-1.00pm. 

Payment can be made by phone only between 2.00pm - 3.30pm, please phone cash office at 057 86 74308.

How do I appeal a litter fine?

If you feel that your fine was unfair or mistaken, you can lodge an appeal.

Complete the appeal form below and provide the relevant information and return it to us by post or by email to 

Further Information

For further information, phone the Environment Section on 057 86 64000 or email