
All pages relating to libraries.

Genealogy Resources

Public libraries may provide genealogy resources such as church, land and census records, parish registers, local newspaper archives, street directories and online databases so that library users can research their family history.

Gallery Spaces

Public libraries may provide space where groups and individuals can display their artwork or mount historical or cultural exhibitions.

Europe Direct Initiative

Public libraries may take part in an initiative to link citizens and European Union (EU) institutions by providing information on EU citizens' rights, the opportunities available to EU citizens and how to take advantage of these rights and opportunities.

eLibrary Resources Online Lending

Public libraries provide online books, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers which library members can download and borrow free of charge.

eLearning Courses Online

Public libraries provide a range of free online courses such as computer skills, accountancy, creative writing and psychology to support lifelong learning.

Early Childhood Reading Initiatives

Public libraries provide reading packs for new parents and starter books for junior and senior infant pupils to promote reading and literacy from an early age.

DVD Lending

Public libraries lend DVDs to library members.

Community Information and Advice

Public libraries may provide information on community clubs, organisations and upcoming events and activities by displaying leaflets, hanging posters and providing community noticeboards.