
All pages relating to community.

Age Friendly Strategy Consultation

Laois County Council, together with their local Age Friendly Alliance board, prepare strategies for creating communities which support older people and enable them to stay actively engaged in their community. You can have an input into the strategies through consultation.

Age Friendly Initiatives

Laois is getting older, just like the rest of Ireland. Planning for this aging population means thinking about older people first when we develop our county for the future. It's important to listen to older people living in Laois to understand what they need now and in the future.

Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme

Laois County Council together with their local Age Friendly Alliance Board, may run programmes to support cities and counties to become more inclusive places for older people by planning for and developing age friendly services.

Age Friendly Alliance Support

Laois Age Friendly Alliance is a cross agency board who seek to develop and put in place age friendly strategies and the Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programmes (AFCCP).