Live Well Expo impresses National Age Friendly Recognition & achievement Award Judges

On Friday the 20th of September, the Live Well Expo faced a judging panel following it’s shortlisting in the communications category for the upcoming Age Friendly recognition and achievement awards. 
The Council chamber at Laois County Hall was at capacity as the organisers of the event, Emma O Connor of Healthy Laois and Tom Curran of Age Friendly Laois presented the initiative to judges Madelaine Quirke and Eileen Hughes , representing age Friendly Ireland. 

Mens Shed Ukelele Choir in action

Tom and Emma stated that this event came about as a result of the Age Friendly Laois and Healthy Laois consultations where the challenge accessing supports and services emerged as a big challenge to all ages, especially older people. The lack of awareness of what was available and the move away from “face to face” interaction was also an issue. 

Photo of Exhibition Stands

Following the presentation, the judges heard directly from exhibitors and attendees alike about how the Live Well event had benefitted them with some telling stories of how new initiatives had come about directly as a result of the Expo. Judges also heard from community groups who exhibited on the day , how they had increased their profile and benefitted from linking in with either other exhibitors on the day.

It was highlighted in the presentation that loneliness is an issue for older people in Laois and the HSE screening team at the Expo revealed that this theme had emerged from the 114 people they had screened. 


Womens shed Portlaoise members with a planter

Judge Madelaine Quirke praised the initiative and commented that the Live Well event was an example of what can be done when initiatives are supported by local authorities and she commended the community led approach to the event which led to a comprehensive range of supports being highlighted. She called the initiative an example project and noted the work that went in to putting such an event in place.


The winner of the award will be announced at an event in Dublin on the 7th November. Fingers crossed for a win!!

About the awards:

Age Friendly Communication Award

Sponsored by An Post

A lack of access to information is often cited as a barrier to “ageing well” in Ireland. The ability to access clear and concise information can impact on a range of an older person’s life, from health and wellbeing to social connectedness to financial security. This award recognises efforts being made around the country to bridge the information gap.

Shortlisted in our category.


Directory of health and social care services for older people
HSE in collaboration with other state agencies
Live Well – A Health and Wellbeing Information Event
Healthy Laois and Age Friendly Laois  

End of Life Planning – Getting People Talking
Irish Hospice Foundation  

Merging into the Sunlight – Upskilling volunteers in mentoring callers to resume life after Covid
Senior Line