Establishment of a Laois Sister Cities Committee

Establishment of a Laois Sister Cities Committee

The Sister Cities Agreement/Charter between the Counties of Laois and Williamson, Tennessee, United States, commits both Counties to work together to explore new and creative opportunities to promote trade, commerce and tourism for the mutual benefit of the citizens of both Counties. 

Furthermore, the Charter provides that the Counties will design and implement cultural and educational exchanges including, but not limited to, student and teacher exchanges, sports teams, cultural and arts exchanges etc. Further details in relation to arrangements is available at

Laois County Council is to establish and support a County Laois Sister Cities Committee, to underpin and support the Charter and to foster, develop and implement opportunities for engagement with Williamson County. Expressions of Interest are now sought from individuals who wish to be considered for inclusion on the County Laois Sister Cities Committee. No specific qualifications are required. Rather, volunteers will have the opportunity to develop the Charter/Agreement to the general benefit of communities in County Laois.

Expressions of Interest should be forwarded to The closing date for receipt of same is 12 noon on Friday 15th November 2024. 

Bunú Choiste Cathracha Comhpháirtíochta Laoise

Leis an gComhaontú/Cairt Cathracha Comhpháirtíochta idir Contaetha Laoise agus Williamson, Tennessee, Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, gealltar go n-oibreoidh an dá Chontae le chéile chun deiseanna nua agus cruthaitheacha a fhiosrú chun trádáil, tráchtáil agus turasóireacht a chur chun cinn chun tairbhe frithpháirtí saoránach an dá Chontae. 

Ina theannta sin, foráiltear sa Chairt go leagfaidh na Contaetha amach agus go gcuirfidh siad i bhfeidhm malartuithe cultúir agus oideachais lena n-áirítear malartuithe mac léinn agus múinteoirí, foirne spóirt, malartuithe cultúir agus ealaíon srl, gan bheith teoranta dóibh sin. Tá tuilleadh sonraí maidir leis na socruithe ar fáil ar

Tá Comhairle Contae Laoise le Coiste Cathracha Comhpháirtíochta Chontae Laoise a bhunú agus tacaíocht a thabhairt dó, chun an Chairt a neartú agus chun tacú léi agus chun deiseanna rannpháirtíochta le Contae Williamson a chothú, a fhorbairt agus a chur i bhfeidhm. Táthar ag lorg Léirithe Spéise anois ó dhaoine aonair ar mian leo go ndéanfaí iad a bhreithniú lena n-áireamh ar Choiste Cathracha Comhpháirtíochta Chontae Laoise. Níl aon cháilíochtaí sonracha ar leith ag teastáil. Ina áit sin, beidh deis ag oibrithe deonacha an Chairt/an Comhaontú a fhorbairt chun leasa pobail i gContae Laoise i gcoitinne.

Ba cheart léirithe spéise a chur ar aghaidh ar ríomhphost chuig An dáta deiridh a nglacfar leis na hiarratais sin ná 12 pm Dé hAoine an 15 Samhain 2024.