What library tours can be provided?
Library tours can be arranged in branches:
- to provide information on using the library and library membership to students and other local community groups
- to highlight collections on offer such as Local History or Special Needs Collections
- for staff to demonstrate the use of library equipment such as sensory rooms or sensory tables
Tours can be adapted to the needs or interests of the group visiting.
Library contact details
- Abbeyleix Library: Call 057 873 0020 or email abbeyleixlibrary@laoiscoco.ie
- Durrow Library: Call 057 873 6090 or email durrowlibrary@laoiscoco.ie
- Mountmellick Library: Call 057 868 9382 or email mountmellicklibrary@laoiscoco.ie
- Mountrath Library: Call 057 875 6378 or email mountrathlibrary@laoiscoco.ie
- Portlaoise Library: Call 057 862 2333 or email portlaoiselibrary@laoiscoco.ie
- Portarlington Library: Call 057 864 3751 or email portarlingtonlibrary@laoiscoco.ie
- Rathdowney Library: Call 0505 46852 or email rathdowneylibrary@laoiscoco.ie
- Stradbally Library: Call 057 864 1673 or email stradballylibrary@laoiscoco.ie
Further information
For more information or to make an appointment, contact your local library directly.