Supports and Services

Language supports

English courses

Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board (LOETB)

The Education and Training Board offers a range of adult and further education and training programmes. These programmes include English classes, Post-leaving certificate (PLC) courses, Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS), Youthreach programmes for early school leavers and evening classes for adults. 

For more information visit or call (057) 862 1352.

Conversational English - Fáilte Isteach

This is a community project by Laois Partnership that trains volunteers to welcome migrants through English conversation classes. There are classes available in different locations across the county. 

If you wish to attend the classes or to become a volunteer contact Laois Partnership

You can reach them at (057) 866 1900 / 087 913 1236  or email:

English Conversation Classes

Compare your academic qualifications

NARIC Ireland have a Foreign Qualifications Database with over 1500 qualifications from more than 150 countries. This database lets you to compare your academic qualification to an Irish one of a similar level, on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), where possible. 

Recognition of foreign qualifications

Further education courses

Further Education and Training or FET, offers life-long education to anyone over 16. This includes:

  • apprenticeships
  • traineeships
  • Post Leaving Cert (PLC) courses
  • community and adult education 
  • literacy and numeracy services

This is for anyone who is over 16 who wants to learn new skills or improve existing skills to get the right job, go to third-level or to support personal goals.  

Visit fetch courses for details of courses available and further information