Human Resources Reports

Local authorities may provide reports and information on human resources to government departments and other agencies.

Gender Pay Gap Report

The Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023 is the second such report by Laois County Council and follows on foot of national legislation made in 2021. Laois County Council welcomes the opportunity to publish a report of this nature.

Regardless of positions or levels, the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023 shows the percentage difference between typical salaries for men and women in the company. 

Before the end of 2023 and within six months of their reference date, Irish employers with more than 250 workers must provide their gender pay gap data. The 30th of June 2023 was selected as the reference date by Laois County Council and all local authorities nationwide.

At Laois County Council, releasing our gender pay gap data contributes to our mission of promoting an open and welcoming work environment. Despite the fact that there are several efforts pertaining to equality, diversity, and inclusion, we remain dedicated to removing obstacles to equality in the workplace, promoting diversity, and fostering an open and welcoming work environment.